18 assorted eggs: Ameraucana, Bantam Cochin, Silkie, Mutts


12 Years
Jan 22, 2008
Canton, GA
18 assorted eggs from my 3 laying pens.
*Assorted colored silkies-SQ Buff hens, SQ white hen and Roo, Cream Calico Roo great toes and skin, 1 SL Polish in that pen and her eggs will be marked.
*Blue Bantam Cochins from PQ that have been pain painstakingly culled for perfection.
* BBS, Harlequin Ameraucanas from Cree, Paul Smith and Dipsy Doodle Doo (Roos) and my own 3 rd Gen experimental color. All these birds follow breed standard with slate legs, eye and ear color. Very Blue eggs!!! I am working on the Splash/Harlequin birds.
*There will be an assortment of eggs from my brown laying hens with my splash Ameraucan roo. RIR, Salmon Faverolle, Golden Comet, SLW.



Thank you! I love to photograph my birds!

I just wanted to mention that I had planned to mix the selection of eggs very similar to the picture posted of the eggs in carton. However, if I can, the winner can request more of a certain type. I can't say for sure it will happen....it all depends on my girls, but I sure will try.

So far the break down is: 6 Ameraucana, 4 Mixed Brown Egg Layers (Most likely Salmon Faverolle X Ameraucana), 4 silkie, 2 Silkie X SL polish, 2 Bantam Blue Cochin

Thanks for all the PMs and interest!! Kelly

My Silkie pen....they are muddy from all the rain...but you get the idea.
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