18+ leghorn eggs (KY)

it says in the first post
: payment goes to [email protected]
Hey Chickabator! I just wanted to update you - I candled today - those 30 leghorn eggs I bought from you a couple of weeks back and they have 100% fertility!!! Every single one of them started developing - WOOHOO!!!

Anyway, just wanted to update and say THANKS so much! I appreciate it, that is a GREAT fertility rate on shipped eggs!

I am so glad that they all are fertile . I know that out of the 12 we set 10 hatched 1 was not fertile and 1 died during development but I think that was my fault when I went to take them out of the turner one of the eggs fell to the side and hit the side of the bator the chick was fully developed. so I figure it was the egg that hit it and that is why it didn't hatch.

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