18 things to teach your sons about women

4 & 5 are okay but far from the beginning of any recipe to a happy, healthy marriage....
I don't see anything about worshipping the ground she walks on, or she is always right no matter what, or she can be cranky most of the month and it isn't pms related.....etc etc etc.....

Maybe the women on BYC should start our own list......anyone game??????

What should mom's teach their boys about women...........................................
Anyone care to start????
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Yeah, but teaching your son that.....

hehehe kidding though, I see a lot of kids now a days with no manners. The guys show up at my house to take my daughter out and they won't talk unless you force them to, then they think it's great fun to be rude and crude. From a fathers perspective, thats my baby girl, you want to live for how long?

Just saying
I'm thinking if Dr Laura knew anything about husbands she'd still be married-pass.
The most important thing to teach a son about women is that no means no. Self-control goes a long way in showing a woman that you respect her.
I agree. With my boys I focus on the basics......Gentleman like behavior has been shoved aside. It's disgusting the way guys ( not all) act these days around their girlfriends.

What ever happened to holding the doors for ladies, pulling out their chair, letting them go first, etc? I also stress to my boys that they excuse themselves to another room if they need to relieve some of their 'combustibles'...if you know what I mean. It's so disgusting to be out in public and you see guys burping and doing other unmentionables in front of his girfriend and laughing about it. Geez when did that become an acceptable form of 'wooing' a girl?

My kids are almost afraid to fall for someone and have to bring them here to meet me. I've told them I already have an 'application' for their potential suitor to fill out and am browsing the net for a polygraph tester.
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I know, but you are a rather exceptional woman, not one easily found
I know, but you are a rather exceptional woman, not one easily found

hmm- I suppose that explains why I have been single since 1995.

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