18 Weeks & 4 days...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
...that is how old my chickens are and how long it has taken, but we had success and finally got our 1st egg.


It cam from one of my Delawares. She even laid it in one of the nests!!! Its a little small when compared to a regular egg, (as you can see in the picture) but not bad for a first try. The picture doesn't do it justice. It is perfectly shaped and has the best brown color. My wife was a little concerned when she saw how small it was. I had to assure her that they would get bigger.

My son checked on our chickens after he got home from school and had to call me because he couldn't wait until I got home. He has been waiting and wanting chickens for years and is loving it now that we have some. I asked him if he wanted to eat the first egg from the chickens, but he wants to blow out the contents and keep the shell.
I am actually very excited about it. I was really starting to wonder if it was ever going to happen!

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