19 week old lavender/splash Orpingtons


May 12, 2019
Ontario, Canada
Hello BYC experts! I’m hoping you can help me. This is my first foray into Orpingtons and I am in love. I hatched 15 eggs from 2 Blues and ended up with a great mix of colours (blue, black, lav and splash). I have one lav that is 100% a rooster and has very obvious feathering but I’m having a heck of a time identifying the gender of these three! Looks like some tail shredding (which I actually love) so that’s making it harder for me to tell! Out of 15, I only see 4 Roos in which just can’t be. I’m not that lucky. My roosters are all getting re-homed next week and I need to make sure I only hang on to hens. Hoping you can help 😁

Please excuse my muddy run - So. Much. Rain.


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So sorry. On my phone I only saw the "🙄🤚It's a cockerel" under your name LOL. Note to self, don't use mobile to view forums.
I am on a phone now And this is what my screen looks like.
If you weren't able to see much on your screen... You can adjust the display settings to make it smaller under 'settings' on your phone.

My phone view of this page: Screenshot_20210707-095229.png
Three pullets.

1. Is either a very even colored splash like my girl here...
Splash Orpington.jpg

or she is a Lavender.
2. Looks like a Mauve Splash to me. Which means she has a Chocolate gene.
3. Splash

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