1st night in coop!


Jun 26, 2018
Bay Area, California
My 8 week old chicks spent their 1st night in the coop. :clap

I already miss watching them and the house is so quiet! They were pretty messy though so it's nice to have them out of the living room.

They huddled right next to the coop door and were still there this morning. They do not have a heat lamp. It was 46 degrees in the coop at 5 am and the humidity was at 82%. Usually, our temperature does not drop below 30. I have read so many differing opinions on heat lamps in the coop, but I worry that it's too cold. I'm thinking that if they continue to chick pile, then they're probably cold and I'll add some heat.

I have their food and water inside the coop for now. I will give them a few days to get used to the coop before I let them out into the run. It's so exciting watching them grow! :love


and dust :rolleyes: If you have power in there, put a little night light ... If no power a battery powered lamp, it's pretty dark in there. Do you have windows? Enough ventilation out there?

How many 8wk chicks do you have? Just the two or more? You could put a "huddle" box in there with their food & water close. The box would help insulate them, they are fully feathered and should be fine.

They are cute :love
and dust :rolleyes: If you have power in there, put a little night light ... If no power a battery powered lamp, it's pretty dark in there. Do you have windows? Enough ventilation out there?

How many 8wk chicks do you have? Just the two or more? You could put a "huddle" box in there with their food & water close. The box would help insulate them, they are fully feathered and should be fine.

They are cute :love

I have 4 total. It is too dark it there. I took the picture late in the afternoon, but still it is only bright in there for a few hours during the short winter days. The plan is for them to spend the daylight hours outside. Do they need a nightlight to see in the dark? I'm planning to add another window in the back as soon as it stops raining.
2x lutherpug - They don't need heat, just need to adjust to their new "home". Good idea about another window, allowing natural light in. Some add a night light until the chicks adjust.

Thank you for the feedback. Last night, I put them up on the roost and they were still there this morning. Seems like they're already more comfortable out there. They just needed a couple days.

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