1st time incubating and curious about my eggs and cant search site.


11 Years
Jan 5, 2013
Sorry to bug anyone but Im trying to incubate for the first time. I have been trying to candle my eggs. I dont see what Im supposed to. I can not search the site and what I find on internet with my phone isnt helping me much so I was hoping maybe someone could see what I cant. Lol. My phone doesnt take the greatest pics sorry. They are on day 8. The air sac matches up to what I find on internet but not the black blob part. I took a pic of a fresh egg from my hen and it is clear. They are a medium brown egg. I am just curious if they look fine or not. I cant search site and cant always preview my posts. My mobile phone isnt the best. Any response appreciated. Thank you!
http://M1345.photobucket/albums/p679/DJJD71/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=Egg1_zps33d2fcdd.jpg

Very hard to tell by looking at your pictures - very dark.
This is what one of my eggs looked like on day 7.
You can clearly see the veining and the dark eye spot.

With your eggs being a medium brown colour if you get a strong flashlight and place the egg carefully on it and wrap with your hand to block the light from coming out from around the sides you should be able to see the veining and the embryo quite well.

Good luck on your hatch!
None of my flashlights are bright enough. I can see more doing it with the light bulb in a can contraption I made. I just cant see very well and even with my glasses it didnt help. I know my pics werent the best was just hoping someone else could see what I cant. Oh well it was worth a shot. None of them smell so will keep and eye on air sac and whether or not the black spot grows etc.. Maybe I can see movement or something in a few days. Thanks.
No problem!
What ever works best for you.
You will definitly be able to see movement when the embryo gets bigger.
They swirl around in the egg quite briskly as they get bigger.

Enjoy and good luck with you hatch!
Thanks! Fingers are crossed. They are actually my 5 year old And T yr old grandsons babies or well so I let them think. Lol. I just dont want to screw it up. They count down they days. Helps turn. Checks temp and humidity constantly. I told them they dont need to read the numbers every half hour but they do it anyway. To be safe they says. Lol. Anyway.. Thanks and I will just try to be patient and keep a close eye on them.
Well it's day 29 and even though some of the eggs have chicks in them they seem to have stopped moving. I cant tell if they are as the eggs are so dark. I tried the tap and float test on day 26. Nothing when tapped and they all passed float test. I guess we lost them but wanted to see if anyone had any hatch this overdue?
Well I guess I will just follow assist stuff and go from there. They probably arent alive anyway just wanted a 2nd or 3rd opinion. Lol. Thanks.

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