1st Timer Raising Chicks


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
This is my 1st time raising chicks. I have 2 Buff Orpington chicks that are about 2 weeks old. When can I start holding & playing with them safely. And how long do I have to feed them just the chick feed. Thanks
We held our chicks from day one and they were fine.

We also provided ours with a clump of weeds with the dirt still on it to give them something to scratch at, and to provide grit. If you give them some grit you can start giving them some other treats but chick feed should continue to be their main source of nutrition.
Yes holding them for short periods from day one is good. They need to learn that you are not going to kill them when you pick them up so we started with our six right away. 2 still think we are going to kill them after a month, 2 are not pleased with the attention but they do settle down once they are in our lap and 2 are very relaxed and just stand and wait to be picked up and are very comfortable hanging out with us. I imagine you will find yours have personalities that differ too but as long as you wash your hands and go in at them from the side instead of from overhead (instinct to flee from predators) you are not doing anything that should be detrimental to their little selves and instead showing them early that you are not a dangerous thing.
Yes holding them for short periods from day one is good. They need to learn that you are not going to kill them when you pick them up so we started with our six right away. 2 still think we are going to kill them after a month, 2 are not pleased with the attention but they do settle down once they are in our lap and 2 are very relaxed and just stand and wait to be picked up and are very comfortable hanging out with us. I imagine you will find yours have personalities that differ too but as long as you wash your hands and go in at them from the side instead of from overhead (instinct to flee from predators) you are not doing anything that should be detrimental to their little selves and instead showing them early that you are not a dangerous thing.


Definitely approach from the side if possible.

Here's an experiment that I ran on our last batch of chicks last spring- this worked AMAZINGLY well, and even from a few days old.


The control group are close to 1 year now, and even now if I tap on anything, they still run up and expect a snuggle and/or a treat. lol

We have some new chicks who are just a few days old now, and the experiment even worked on them too, as of day 2. Hops right into my hand by their own accord.

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