1yo males and females attacking one female


7 Years
Sep 12, 2014
Central North Carolina
Hello,, i have 4 birds, 2 male and 2 female just over a year old raised together from just a week old.
they now live in a 10x10 with a 8ft high roof. Several large limbs have been fitted for perching stands. Recently, i have noticed that one of the females is getting picked on a lot more than any of the other birds. The males attack her when ever she is close to them and the other female will sometime join in. The attack the back of her head or neck and have peck most of the little feathers there, she still has her crest feathers though. I've resorted to using a squirt gun with water to shoot the males when they look like they are going to attack. This seams to work while i'm at the pen, but that's only a few times a day.
I've gone out and fead her without the other birds coming in and attacking. She has found a few places up on a perch off to one side that they can't get to her as easy.
So other than separating them of getting rid of them, what suggestions do you folks have?
it sounds to me like the other 3 are asserting their dominance. I think the rule of thumb for peafowl is 100-200 sq ft per bird so you may have to do something larger to see if that helps. Best wishes :)
For one thing if you have only two roos and two hens it could be causing problems. I have two roo and twenty hens.

That will work with chickens, but peafowl ratio is much lower. A young cock and one or two hens is fine, a mature breeder of five years can cover six hens quite well. Some can cover up to eight and some will never cover more than a couple, it just depends on the cock. Too many hens will produce a lot of unfertile eggs.
it sounds to me like the other 3 are asserting their dominance. I think the rule of thumb for peafowl is 100-200 sq ft per bird so you may have to do something larger to see if that helps. Best wishes :)

They grow fast and that pen is getting smaller every day. Lean a couple of pallets up against the sides of the pen for the hen to hide under.
They grow fast and that pen is getting smaller every day. Lean a couple of pallets up against the sides of the pen for the hen to hide under.
they have been pretty much this size today as they have been for 4 months. Male have no tails to speak of and they've been eating about the same every day for 5-6months
maybe warmer days and nights are the only change.
That will work with chickens, but peafowl ratio is much lower. A young cock and one or two hens is fine, a mature breeder of five years can cover six hens quite well. Some can cover up to eight and some will never cover more than a couple, it just depends on the cock. Too many hens will produce a lot of unfertile eggs.
whoops sorry I thought you were talking about chickens.
could it be that she is sick? i noticed the drooping wings yesterday which has been a sign for me to say i have a sick bird. I started her on Safeguard yesterday. hopefully this will get her back in favor with her roomates
When they get to that age they will start to establish the pecking order. Unlike chickens there are no holds barred in regards to who might fight who. Males will fight males, hens will fight hens, I would separate the two pairs if possible. Even at a year the warmer months get the males all worked up into a roid rage.

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