2 1/2 wk old chick has labored breathing, stunted growth. worried!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
I have a 2 1/2 week old buttercup chick who is as small as the newborn chicks I got today. She seems to have labored breathing, slitty eyes, wants to sleep often, not very active anymore...
She seems to eat rarely and drink every now and then. I have offered sugar water but doesn't seem to want it. I can't post pictures because I am new to BYC, but am very worried. My daughter is very attached. What do I do? Do I need to quarantine her tonight?
She is currently sitting in my lap and her whole body is pulsing... I assume the labored breathing. Her chirp seems normal, but I have noticed she opens her beak randomly for what seems like no reason at all. Is there anything I should be doing?????
I have looked up so many diseases that I have thoroughly confused myself and the symptoms don't match any 100%. Could this be pullorum? if so, do i need to kill the whole flock? I have 17 chicks all ranging newborn to 2 1/2 weeks and she is the only one acting different. They were all bought at the local feed store (in Eastern Washington). Please help. I am worried sick and have never done this before. Thank You!
Someone that knows for sure will answer you.

I have a very small chick. They are all just a week old. She is a third the size of the others. I have been getting her out several times a day and making sure she gets electrolytes and vitamin water. I dip my fingernail into the water and gently tap her beak and she takes it and swallows. I have caught her eating a couple of times and she is pooping. Kept her separate long enough to find that out. I have had to clean her back side a couple of times.

Wait...someone will help you.
Thank you for the encouragement. Did yours make it or are you still in the process? I am really concerned about the fact that she is so little. her feathers are developing, but she isn't growing...
I have one that is doing the same thing. She is 3 weeks old and smaller than my week old chicks. She has labored breathing and kindof hicups or sneezes alot. Not sure what to do. Hopefully someone knows.
Keep her very warm. Dip her beak in purified water with a drop or two of molasses in it (don't dunk the nostrils).
You can also offer Gatorade. Soak some crumbles in warm water and touch it to her beak.

I had a chick who was just like this for about a week after I got him/her.
I just stayed with him, kept him very warm, made sure he was eating and drinking, and let him sleep. I also gently rubbed his bottom every once in a while to stimulate defecation (well, I felt like it made a difference).

After a while, he came around.
Now at two months old he's bright, alert and as good as all the others (just a tidbit smaller).
I have had 2 this way. One only lived 2 weeks. The other is just small. She is feathering out and doing fine, even if she is much smaller than everyone else.
Thanks for the help. I tried bringing my little blue girl into my other brooder and it just seemed to stress her out being by herself. So she is back with the flock. I tried the molases with water and that seemed to perk her up. I noticed her drinking water and trying to get to the feed dish, but she gets pushed around. I think I will seperate her and a few of the other smaller chicks so she has a better chance. Thanks so much. I just pray she makes it, she is sooo sweet.

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