2 Americaunas and a free rare chick...which is which?

Cecilia is or SSH and she is very small as well, much smaller than many of the others. I think it is a smaller more slender breed. She is about 61/2 weeks old and is half the size of the Delaware hens that were in the same shipment from Murray. Once my roommate Rachel, gets back (she is the one with the fancy camera) I will get updated photos so you all can see her, but like I said she is one of the prettiest birds I have seen.

I hope so too. We can legally have roosters here but I don't want one. I do not want any fertilized eggs and the noise just may drive our neighbors nuts. We have 5 neighbors that have yards that touch our backyard....and we love our neighbors dearly!

I will try to find a pic of her head on...maybe someone can tell if she is actually a he.


Here's a pic of my "Mystery Chick" from MMH. We've named him Damburger (a pun from the Pink Panther movie with Steve Martin). His name is grouped by: "darn", I opted out on the order form and stated I didn't want the free mystery and "burger" since he's a SSH.


He's bigger than all of the other Banty babies that he came with and I was worried at first that he would be a standard. He's gonna need a new home before long as I don't have any girls for him and am content with the babies I have right now.

Edited to add picture.
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It's funny you got the SSH as a mystery chick. We ordered the rainbow layer mix from McMurry's and got 5 SSHs! Here are pictures of two of them at 9 weeks.

OK, not having luck posting them, but you can see them on www.flickr.com (Dreamwood Farm)

Country Gal...
At first we thought Cocoa or Moe was the free chick! Tess looked like the Ameracauna chicks that I found online. Now Cocoa and Moe look very much alike...size and colors...and Tess is smaller and is starting to get black dots on her tail feathers.

Here are a few pics at 4 WEEKS!

Do you guys think she is a roo? I posted in the "General" forum also but wanted to post an update here for anyone else who may stumble on this thread:



I think it is a roo because our SSH roo had that purple spot on his comb as well. He is now about 10 weeks old and obviously a rooster.

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