In one of my brooders, I have a dozen Amberlinks. They are about 3 weeks old, and about 75% feathered. It got up to 80 degrees outside yesterday and seemed a little overly hot in the "nursery" (formerly my work shop). Since it was so warm, I unplugged the heat lamps to both of my brooders. The second brooder also has amberlinks, but about a week younger than the others.
I was gone for a few hours. When I came home, there were 2 of the peeps being chased, and pecked. One of them was bleeding from the top of her tail area. The other was bleeding from her vent.
I quickly removed them both and isolated them. Then I put Neosporin on both. They will be fine, but my biggest question is this: I ALWAYS use a red light in the brooders. Is no light on, the equivalent of a white light? Did this happen because I turned of the lights in the brooders? I don't want to see it happen again.......
I was gone for a few hours. When I came home, there were 2 of the peeps being chased, and pecked. One of them was bleeding from the top of her tail area. The other was bleeding from her vent.
I quickly removed them both and isolated them. Then I put Neosporin on both. They will be fine, but my biggest question is this: I ALWAYS use a red light in the brooders. Is no light on, the equivalent of a white light? Did this happen because I turned of the lights in the brooders? I don't want to see it happen again.......