2 chicks off CL (you won't believe where I got them from)


Mother Hen
11 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Trenton, FL
So I was looking through my local CL yesterday like I do every day and in the pets section there is someone looking to rehome 2 chicks. These aren't usually in the pets section, but the farm/garden section. Anyhow, in the ad it states that she is pg and didn't know that she shouldn't have chicks while pg (news to me and my 4 kids LOL!). So I emailed her stating that I would be happy to take the chicks but also informed her that there should be no problems with pregnancy and chicks, just take normal precautions like washing hands before eating and such.
She emailed me back asking if I could pick them up ASAP as they were going out of town. She sent me her address and directions and boy was I SHOCKED to see that she lives in an APARTMENT!!!!! 2nd story no less..... the chicks are a rir and lt. brahma. Not exactly bantams or something you would like living in an apt. with you.

Anyhow, she was very nice, just a little bit clueless and she gave me the 5lbs of chick starter she had bought for them too. They were in a small rubbermaid box with hay on the bottom and a small dish for food and water. I think she had only got them the day before. They seemed cold and were chirping very loudly. I moved them to the smaller box with shavings in it that I had brought with me and my oldest daughter kept her hand in the box with both chicks snuggling under her hand

We got them home here and put them under the light with the 3 day old turkey poults who were just fasinated to have new brooder mates
They ate/ drank and promptly fell asleep. I don't think she had them under a heat lamp....
Now I know what TSC sells 6 at a time....... Why would you buy chicks when you live in an apt?
Her husband probably flipped when he saw them and she was blaming the rehoming on her pg. Anyhow, they are safe and sound now, where they belong. I didn't ask her why she had chicks in an apt because I was just glad she was rehoming them even though everything in my wanted to shake her and ask her WHY???

I would take pics but hubby has the camera and won't be home until tomorrow night.
I don't see a staring smilie... But that was insane! I bet that she dosen't have a clue what they are.
I have 8 chickies and I live in an apartment... Hell, I live on the third floor. Plus, I have two types of quail. Everyone is caged, and the chickies will have free-range once they're big enough. There are chicken diapers out there for exactly this purpose, you coop them at night, and diaper them during the day and let them run around. It's really not much different from them being outside, except that they have to have diapers changed, and you can monitor what they're "foraging" on. Granted, maybe she thought that she could keep them in a cage 24/7? They certainly aren't cage birds (except at night), but I don't think it's fair to say that she has no idea what kind of bird they are simply because she lives in an apartment. Two large fowl birds would be about as crazy as the six bantam pullets that I will eventually have. My birds are all healthy, my family is healthy, etc, so I just don't think it's fair to think that she's abusing them simply because they're indoor birds, unless it was maybe a tiny apartment? Yes, I imagine indoor birds are more work than outdoor birds (never had outdoor birds, so I can't be sure), but if cared for properly, why is it considered abuse simply because they're indoors?
I hope having 8 chickens in your apt works well for you. This particular person was clueless, and no way would this have worked out for the best.....It was an impulse buy that in no way, shape or form did she think through.
These are not large apts. that she lives at. Maybe 2 bdrm max, in the middle of a very large metro type area. Not proper conditions for raising chickens IMO.
Well, in some cases, I don't think it would work at all, in others, I don't see an issue with it, IF done properly. Granted, I wouldn't have six full size pullets running around, but two LF, or six banties in a large apartment, with caging at night and "free-range" during the day. There are others here that keep their birds indoors, and I believe some of them have large yards and simply prefer indoor birds. Something like indoor vs outdoor cats/dogs, but with a diaper instead of a litterbox or housebreaking/peepads. Also somewhat similar to having large parrots, they can't stay in their cages all day, so they get free-range time where they're out with their human companions during the day. My oldest pullet is with me now, chattering away at me. They don't get to pick at wild bugs or anything, but they do get mealworms, scraps, sprouted seeds, etc, and they don't get broken glass, wire, bugs with diseases, etc. I think it's a case-by-case type of deal, and I just don't feel that it's fair to say that anyone in an apartment is cruel if they have chickies.
I don't think an apartment would be an issue as long as someone is willing to put in the time an effort required. I'm considering a trio of D'uccles as indoor birds this summer ( I just have to figure a way around the fact that I'm mildly allergic to chicken poo!) The girl had no heat source. She clearly hadn't researched the project.
Understandable, lol. I'm not defending this girl in any way, just saying that I don't think it's fair to put a blanket statement on anyone who has chickies indoors/in an apartment. I don't know all of the specifics to what this girl had for a setup, just what has been said, and, I do agree that it doesn't sound like something that I would consider as okay.
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