2 day old chick-'toe" is not straight


9 Years
May 21, 2010
This is my first time incubating and hatching chicks. I have one chick who had trouble getting out of the egg...10 hours before I made the choice to help it out. I was very careful in getting it out. The chick has been VERY CLUMSY and after observig her carefully this morning I noticed her right foot outside toe is underneath her middle toe and that is what is causing the clumsiness. She is so much smaller than her 4 sibling hatches so we have kept her seperated due to their pecking. I am so worried about this baby! She peeped all night last night but I wrote it off as lonliness. I had put one of the calmer chicks in with her all day yesterday hoping we could place her with the rest today but she doesn't seem ready yet. Is there anything I can do for her? I really want this baby to have a chance!! Please help!!
Thanks for your help Maddie but sadly the baby died this afternoon. I guess there was more than a foot problem with it. I have 3 brokenhearted kids and I can honestly say my heart is broken too. We are very blessed to have 4 other healthy thriving baby chicks! Thanks again!!

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