2 day old chick with leg problem


10 Years
Jan 5, 2011
Vancouver BC
My new chicks were born late lat week/on the weekend. One of the four is having a leg problem. At first I thought it was spraddle leg which surprised me as they have paper towel over pine pellets. Now I think one leg is just sure but I can't see a wound or anything. One leg is perpendicular to the body the other it's holding out to the side.

Spraddle leg or splayed leg is a birth defect resulting from incubation stress.


White bacillary diarrhea, Pullorum disease, aka chicken salmonella/typhoid, and pasty butt are 5 different names for the same incurable egg born disease.



From the above link:
The clinical signs of pullorum disease and fowl typhoid are very similar. Pullorum disease is generally a disease of young chicks and poults, while fowl typhoid is more predominant in growing and adult birds.
  • anorexia;
  • depression;
  • diarrhea;
  • dying or death (highest mortality rate in the first 2 weeks of life and in incubators); and
  • laboured breathing.
In growing and mature birds:
  • anorexia;
  • decreased egg production;
  • depression;
  • diarrhea;
  • high fever;
  • increased mortality (usually higher in chickens than turkeys); and
  • poor hatchability.
Where are pullorum disease and fowl typhoid found?

Canada has been considered free of pullorum disease and fowl typhoid since 1982. There have been isolated occurrences limited to small backyard flocks in Vancouver, B.C."

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