2 day old chick won't open eyes


9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Northeast Florida
My last to hatch chick is two days old today and won't open here eyes. She also sleeps a lote more than the other chicks. Whenever I go into the brooder room, I make sure she drinks, but I do not know if she is eating/drinking on her own. She seems to move around okay when she wants to, but doesn't seem to see where she is going. She doesn't chirp loudly or act distressed, just sleeps a lot and won't open her eyes. Any idea what is causing this? Is there anything I can do to get her eyes to open? She was kind of a sticky chick, is it possible her eyes are just stuck closed?
gonzo&hispeeps :

Wow, have you tried wiping her eyes with a warm wash cloth?

Goodness, I feel silly! That's all she needed. I wiped her eyes and they opened up immediately. I thought she was a tad weak, so I gave her some sugar water and set her back down. She came to life!! She started pecking at things, ran up to the food dish and ate, then started investigating. I am so happy that she is fine and just needed that little bit of help.​
boy, this thread is an old one, but I have the same issue with my chick that the eyes were closed... I gently wiped them with a wet Q-tip, and I gave it a few drops of warm water sweetened with corn syrup. It swallowed the water, and I have put it back into the incubator where the heat and humidity is stable. I'm afraid to put it with the other chicks because they might peck at it???
Until the baby is up and as active as the rest, she should be seperated. Your doing good, if it's

something stuck to her eyes, the warm water should get it off. You could try giving electrolytes,

or a bit of sugar in the water if she's still acting weak.:)
thanks Honeybee!
if it's something stuck to her eyes, the warm water should get it off.

if there is nothing in the eyes, why would it not open them??​

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