2 Double Yolked Eggs, 2 Sets of Twins Day 16


5 Years
Aug 12, 2014
White Castle, LA
I have two double yolked eggs in the bator that are developing nicely. The 1st one is a B/B/S Orpington egg. The 2nd one is an Easter Egger Egg. Both eggs clearly have two embryos in each. They are all dancing around. Both eggs appear to having a dancing embryo on each side and both eggs have good veining. I wasn't going to attempt but my daughter really wanted to try. Questions, I have tried to read through some of the other threads but there are just so many posts. I know it is rare for them to hatch but we are going to try. I am preparing for the worst. I have questions though, since I know we are going to have to assist.

1. On what day do you assist?
2. Do you wait for internal pips before making an external pip?
3. How can I tell what position the chicks are in?
4. At what point do you attempt to make an internal pip?
5. What should the humidity be for a double yolker?

I have read the assisted hatching guide before and have helped other chicks. I just don't want to wait unitl it is too late to help these. The Easter Egger appears to have a decent size air cell for it being a double yolker, but the Orpington air cell is a bit smaller. I will post some pics tomorrow when I candle them again.
I've never done double yolkers, but I'd imagine the temp and humidity would be the same as a single yolked egg.

As for when to assist, that's a good question. Your biggest concern should be for the chick developing at the pointy side of the egg. Where is it going to internally pip? And what if the "bottom" chick is the one that needs to hatch first? I would say that the top chick shouldn't have any issues since its the one that'll be near the air cell. Maybe it would be best to wait until that one pips, and then try to make a pip for the other (wherever it may be, finding its beak is going to be hard, I'd think). They may surprise you and pip on their own, I've had malpositioned chicks be upside down in the eggs and manage to pip and hatch without issue.

All I can really say is good luck to you. And please keep your post updated, I'm curious to see how your eggs do :)
I wonder what happens if one is ready to hatch but the other isnt like what if the second hasn't absorbed its yolk yet and the other one starts hatching and perhaps damages the veins or yolk of the other? it seems like the stars would have to line up for both to hatch.
*not that it is impossible I know that it can happen but I was just curious because I know that colors to make a difference as to if they are ready to hatch or not it can be days between eggs hatching in the same clutch although I know that's not ideal it does happen.
I would imagine, if one was ready to hatch and the other was not, it could cause an issue if something was damaged, but the 2nd one would just stay in the shell to finish absorbing the yolk. Today when I candled them, the orpingon egg was a goner. Both chicks had died and the veins were gone. I suspected I may lose this one. The air cell was really small. The easter egger looked good, they were both moving. The chicks are both at the same level in the egg. They are on opposite sides, so I am really not sure if one is at the bottom and the other at the top.

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