2 ducks one drake help please

jjs hens

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
hey, im new to here.I have 2 female indian runner ducks one is a mini indian runner and i have a male indian runner We only got the females a few weeks ago at point of lay. they just started laying 5 days ago, day one there was 2 large eggs layed, day 2 no eggs then the next few days there has been one egg a day and now my mini runner has just been sitting all on her own, she is not eating but is drinking and stays in the same place. befor any eggs she was happy and would come for food and be in the pond splashing about.
can ducks get egg bound? could she be lonley cause it 2 females to one drake? the other 2 are perfectly fine. does anyone have any ideas or any thing i can do to help her i feel so bad for her and dont like her sitting and looking soo lonely. Thanks in advance for any help. Tracey
She could be egg bound. Let her swim in lukewarm water for an hour, deep enough to float in, see if it perks her up.

Sometimes ducks have egg laying problems when they start up. Is she getting layer feed? free choice oyster shell? other calcium source?

Take a look at her vent. Are there any soft eggs lying around. Is she holding her tail down, kind of raising and lowering it a bit?

If you can find a vet who knows anything about ducks that would be best.
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thanks for replying, yes she is on layers pellets and has oyster shell but maybe not enough as it a mixed bag of shell and food. and i have 9 chickens too that eat alot quicker.

she seems to walk with more of a waddle and slower, but is laying down most of the time on her own. Ive not noticed anything about her tail but i will keep an eye on her in the morning.

She was mating and running around happy finding her own food round the garden, as well as what i put out for them all, the other female is laying every day now.

I will try the warmer water if i can get her and work out how too do it hehe.

I feel so sorry for her.
i found her dead this moring in her house
thank you all, i was soo sad to see her passed away this morning, she was such a little cutie

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