2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

When I set out our hav-a-hearts we knew there were people in the neighborhood with cats that we notified what we were doing and why so they could make sure their cats stayed inside. A few didn't pay heed and yes, they did have to bale their kitties out of the poky, and yes our names were spoken followed by a hacked up loogie but hey, 92 feral cats! Didn't bother me in the least that people were unhappy with us. One of the cats bit a neighbor and he had to have rabies preventative shots so if you do get lucky and catch the beast, be careful.

We're all rooting for you!
When I set out our hav-a-hearts we knew there were people in the neighborhood with cats that we notified what we were doing and why so they could make sure their cats stayed inside. A few didn't pay heed and yes, they did have to bale their kitties out of the poky, and yes our names were spoken followed by a hacked up loogie but hey, 92 feral cats! Didn't bother me in the least that people were unhappy with us. One of the cats bit a neighbor and he had to have rabies preventative shots so if you do get lucky and catch the beast, be careful.

We're all rooting for you!

I'm a huge cat person, I have a service animal that just so happens to be a cat, she is able to detect my blood sugar levels being to high or too low by smelling my breath, and has on a few occasions probably saved my life by notifying my family, so believe me the last thing I want to do is harm anyone's pet, but I am a responsible person owner as are you. Unfortunately some people think they are above following the rules and because I live on 65 acres my neighbor's are close but not subdivision close. I have had several issues with my neighbor's, over the summer one of their kids was using his duck hunting dog to retrieve ducks off my property. He paid dearly for shooting federally protected ducks, it was not duck hunting season, he also was trespassing, once the game warden was finished with him he lost his hunting license which he won't get back for 2 years, they took his dog's all his fire arms and he paid a heafty fine because he had the ducks he killed on his back porch. I don't play around when it comes to my ducks, migratory or domestic it's all the same to me. You would think that they knew this about me and would keep their animals off my property.
Lucy, I would bet real money that is exactly why they don't keep their animals off your property.

In my 63 years on this earth I've learned never to underestimate how shallow the gene pool is in some individuals.

I'm glad the game police came down hard on the kid. Unfortunately mommy and daddy probably took sonny's side on things so it won't be long till he is out poaching again. Next time though, he'll be more devious about it and less likely to be caught.

While I don't have turkeys, I love them dearly and spoil the wild flock we have on our property. It's not unusual to look out a window and see the flock of 30+ birds in the yard, merrily scratching away. Imagine my outrage when I heard that the game warden had discovered a group of young Amish men shining turkeys as they roosted at night and shooting them out of the trees.

I don't have much tolerance for such behavior.
Lucy, I would bet real money that is exactly why they don't keep their animals off your property.

In my 63 years on this earth I've learned never to underestimate how shallow the gene pool is in some individuals.

I'm glad the game police came down hard on the kid. Unfortunately mommy and daddy probably took sonny's side on things so it won't be long till he is out poaching again. Next time though, he'll be more devious about it and less likely to be caught.

While I don't have turkeys, I love them dearly and spoil the wild flock we have on our property. It's not unusual to look out a window and see the flock of 30+ birds in the yard, merrily scratching away. Imagine my outrage when I heard that the game warden had discovered a group of young Amish men shining turkeys as they roosted at night and shooting them out of the trees.

I don't have much tolerance for such behavior.

I have zero tolerance for it :( I have invested a lot of time and energy into making this place a sanctuary for the ducks and have had the help and support from the TWRA on my side. Unfortunately I have been waiting for something to go wrong since the game warden knocked them down a few notches, and yes mommy and daddy bailed him out, but only with the fines. They could not do much about the other penalties. I have lived in fear that he would posion my ducks but thankfully we have security cameras all over the property in place and I have a security gate so I feel somewhat safe..This too shall pass... I'm way to worm out mentally to even bring up what was discovered on the front porch tonight, if Ravyn wants to fill in the blanks it will save me the heartache. If not I will finish this tomorrow. The Nausea is kicking my butt right now so I'm going to try and sleep.. Tomorrow is another day...The duck chronicles continues on :( love to you all...

I had some Quackless Ducks many moons ago and they HISSED!!! Sounded like a snake coming up behind you!!

They are so cute though, sort of small like the Calls, but they started out yellow and then turned black with some mottling of white
Can't remember what the name of that breed of duck was called........hmmmmmmm....Oh yes......the MUSCOVY DUCKS!!.
I had a whole slew of these and they just kept reproducing with never any problems.
But any whoo.....all of them hissing at the same type was a bit creepy........I prefer the actual loud quacking to those hissers anytime.!!

Found this photo of a Muscovy named Donals!

I have two Muscovy drakes, and I believe the nicer way to describe how they talk is they "whisper". Though the voice could be described as hissing (both males and females) when a chicken gets too close, but otherwise the male voice is a whisper. To describe the voice that way I believe is more accurate for people who don't know Muscovies, since they are a wonderful breed.
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Lucy caught another!!!
"shucks, she got me" lol

Operation round up duck is now over. After watching my poor husband paddle around the pond with freezing water splashing back into the canoe, and me running around the pond like I had the strength to even do that I made the decision to concede. I'm not going to make my husband chase them, because believe me he would still be out there if it meant I would smile, and I don't want to take advantage of his love for me, plus this girl ain't a spring chicken or in this case duck..So, the remaining 2 will just have to be the big birds they think they are and hopefully 2 are less obvious to predators than 4
I did my best and that's all I can do..
you've done an amazing job with all of them, your husband sounds like an amazing man
Trust me that cat has been warned, well the owners have, I did my homework and called animal control and the laws are the same for cats as dogs, you can't allow your cat to roam. They won't come out and catch it but when I do, it will cost the owners a pretty penny to regain ownership back. You are 100% correct in saying that now it knows there is easy prey available and unfortunately it will most likely come back for the remaining 2 if we aren't able to catch it before that happens. As far as the calls go, well I guess I need to invest in some duck diapers... I can't even imagine the heartbreak I will feel if something happened to one of them. My husband said a cat would not bother a mature duck ( my Pekin ducks and Rouen's are not at all normal size so of course they are fine they plow through everything) and that the calls would be OK, well I am not willing to take a chance, no way.. the cat has got to go...
awwww house duckies

What exactly does one use to catch a cat...My husband has a completely different approach than me, and it doesn't include catching it....
hav-a-heart and a can of wet food, if we are playing nice
Interesting comment lol trust me at the moment I wasn't at all thinking this rebellious duck was a cute bundle of anything, maybe a thorn in my side, or maybe that was the cramping from running around like a mad woman

Ducks: 2 Lucy: 2
I guess maybe it was a tie ...
Sassy little naughty but cute little quacker. Kiss and squeeze her.
Lucy your husband deserves a big hug and kiss. What a sweetie he is. Reminds me of my better half. He's letting me keep an injured pullet in his hobby room right now. Of course she is in a cat carrier, sitting in his utility sink where she is out of drafts but I think we both got good guys!

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