2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Lucy! Happy New Year to you, and your family, including the 6 pack. From the POV of a retired nurse, I gotta ask. Now that you found out far you can push yourself, you're not going to do that again, are you?

So glad that you are feeling better. Bless you for putting so much of your heart into giving these babies the best start you can offer them. They are so lucky to have you as their mom.
Lucy! Happy New Year to you, and your family, including the 6 pack. From the POV of a retired nurse, I gotta ask. Now that you found out far you can push yourself, you're not going to do that again, are you? ;)

So glad that you are feeling better. Bless you for putting so much of your heart into giving these babies the best start you can offer them. They are so lucky to have you as their mom.

No ma'am because that was no fun :( the chemo makes me so sick I don't eat, I will go for days without eating a meal, I will try and get 5 bites in and stop, which I can't do because I'm also type 1 diabetic and my body has to have the carbs , insulin only does so much, so between not eating, not drinking, and not sleeping because I was trying to save that baby duck, it caused a bad drop in every and I had ketones. Trust me when I say I won't be doing that again. I forced myself to eat an entire 6 inch sub ,which is A LOT when your fighting so hard to just keep it down. Thanks for your sweet words :)
I'm pretty sure between my husband and Ravynfallon reminding me to eat I will stay on track :)
Hi Lucy I know that u had a lot of pressure to try to get tinkerbell and the others hatched and thriving but you really need to take care of yourself first. You r what's most important.
I am so sorry about tink. I believe she was there as your angel to show u even little things can fight hard. So please do that and kick butt, I know I sound like a mom but with 4 boys I have a lot of experience lol
No ma'am because that was no fun
the chemo makes me so sick I don't eat, I will go for days without eating a meal, I will try and get 5 bites in and stop, which I can't do because I'm also type 1 diabetic and my body has to have the carbs , insulin only does so much, so between not eating, not drinking, and not sleeping because I was trying to save that baby duck, it caused a bad drop in every and I had ketones. Trust me when I say I won't be doing that again. I forced myself to eat an entire 6 inch sub ,which is A LOT when your fighting so hard to just keep it down. Thanks for your sweet words

I'm pretty sure between my husband and Ravynfallon reminding me to eat I will stay on track
Oh, Lucy, I could just hug you girl. You are going through so much. I can so appreciate the balancing act you are trying to master and how things got so out of balance for you.

We have a diabetic kitty. Right now we are trying to get his blood sugars under control and in spite of all we do his accuchecks will still be in the high 500s. Ketones....don't want to even think about that. I hope you have a nutritionist working with you. Whatever you can eat, eat it! I once had a doctor tell me that it isn't written in stone that you can only eat 3 meals a day. 6 small meals work when you can't handle 3 and if 6 don't work, 8 might. Whatever it takes to get you through this.
Unfortunately I let everything get out of whack and it all came crashing down yesterday, I thought I would be there a lot longer but after promising to take care of myself my Dr. released me :)
All the babies are doing so good and the call ducks will be hatchling any day now!!
You are in my prayers hun!!! I know you can so this!!!
No ma'am because that was no fun :( the chemo makes me so sick I don't eat, I will go for days without eating a meal, I will try and get 5 bites in and stop, which I can't do because I'm also type 1 diabetic and my body has to have the carbs , insulin only does so much, so between not eating, not drinking, and not sleeping because I was trying to save that baby duck, it caused a bad drop in every and I had ketones. Trust me when I say I won't be doing that again. I forced myself to eat an entire 6 inch sub ,which is A LOT when your fighting so hard to just keep it down. Thanks for your sweet words :)
I'm pretty sure between my husband and Ravynfallon reminding me to eat I will stay on track :)
when my grandpa went through chemo he felt the exact same way! He was also diabetic, he just tried to eat several small snacks a day.. cheese and crackers, yogurt, pudding, applesauce, anything you like and can keep down, doesn't have to be big. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!! Were all here for you
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The freaking fracking lid keeps popping off my Bator, which happened last night while I was sleeping, so idk if any of the eggs are still alive :(
What would cause this to happen???
Oh, Lucy, I could just hug you girl. You are going through so much. I can so appreciate the balancing act you are trying to master and how things got so out of balance for you.

We have a diabetic kitty. Right now we are trying to get his blood sugars under control and in spite of all we do his accuchecks will still be in the high 500s. Ketones....don't want to even think about that. I hope you have a nutritionist working with you. Whatever you can eat, eat it! I once had a doctor tell me that it isn't written in stone that you can only eat 3 meals a day. 6 small meals work when you can't handle 3 and if 6 don't work, 8 might. Whatever it takes to get you through this. 

I couldn't imagine trying to monitor diabetes in a animal :( god bless you there! I have a service animal which is a cat, she can detect by smelling my breath if my sugar is low or high and will alert me or my family. I can't imagine what a struggle it must be with an animal, I can barely keep my A1C right. I will pray that you guys get some management for the little guy, 500 would kill me so idk how that feels for a cat? Bless your heart
when my grandpa went through chemo he felt the exact same way! He was also diabetic, he just tried to eat several small snacks a day.. cheese and crackers, yogurt, pudding, applesauce, anything you like and can keep down, doesn't have to be big. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!! Were all here for you

I'm going to try that today even though I am not a snacker, I miss food in general, just having the craving for something would be nice since just thinking about eating makes me want to barf :(
I appreciate your helpful hints and sorry to hear your grandfather went through this. My Peepaw has stage 4 pancreatic cancer right now and is slowly passing away :( it's hard to watch and hard on my heart, he's my hero.
I'm rambling, sorry.... :)

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