2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

They are lovely!!
The DUCK CHRONICLES is proud to report that mother and babies are all doing well. We all can use a little good news and this is truly good news! Congratulations from this reader.
I've been busy the past few days dealing with our diabetic kitty so I'm trying to play catch up!

First off, congratulations Lucy on the beautiful new babies. They are so darned cute I just want to kiss those plump little fuzzy cheeks!

Secondly, how are you feeling?

And #5!

It needed a little goop clean up...

Lucy is doing better now... got a little stressed, but think she's doing ok...

Pandora, her siblings and the 6 pack are really helping her spirits...
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And #5!

It needed a little goop clean up...

Lucy is doing better now... got a little stressed, but think she's doing ok...

Pandora, her siblings and the 6 pack are really helping her spirits...
Yay!!! Congrats @lucysducks11 !!!

@RavynFallen what color will these babies be??
Yay!!! Congrats @lucysducks11

 what color will these babies be??

Unknown... but they are the same source my Io duck came from... Pandora will *most likely* turn out like a lot of Io's children, Snowy or Snowy mix look... the rest could either be white or feather in with color like Snowy mix, etc...
I've been busy the past few days dealing with our diabetic kitty so I'm trying to play catch up! 

First off, congratulations Lucy on the beautiful new babies. They are so darned cute I just want to kiss those plump little fuzzy cheeks!

Secondly, how are you feeling?

I'm so sorry about the struggles you are having with your kitty :( hopefully things will balance out. I am in Duck heaven right now, I have 2 more days of relaxation until life begins again on Monday. I start treatment back up next week and taking my kids to school 45 miles away from my home :( between the ducks, treatment and spending 6 hours a day driving I will probably be worn out. I'm certainly going to enjoy the time I have left :)
Thanks for checking on me, you and your kitty are in my thoughts :)
Unknown... but they are the same source my Io duck came from... Pandora will *most likely* turn out like a lot of Io's children, Snowy or Snowy mix look... the rest could either be white or feather in with color like Snowy mix, etc...

I think Ravynfallon is correct, they will definitely be white mixed with something, I think Pandora will definitely have brown on her head because it's mixed with so much brown now, which is crazy because that's exactly what I had wished for :)
I am so excited to see how they mature into the beautiful ducks they are :)

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