2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

I am going to commit to the hatching and hope for the best. Having you guys here makes it a little easier because I have nobody where I live since we moved here from Texas last year.
I only have a few people like my doctor, nurses, and hair stylist that I know, but haven't made personal friends yet. I think the chickens will be a great hobby for me and I practically live here on this website trying to get myself smart enough to take it on.
Do you have a preference on an incubator? Do they make a "Hatching Chicks in an Incubator For Dummies" Book? LOL!
I follow a lot of threads here and trying to prepare myself for all scenarios, including the issues with humidity and stuff.
I am excited and scared at the same time.......but I want to do this, I really do.
There are such nice folks here and all are very kind and helpful like you.

I will sure feel better taking all this on knowing you guys are here.


Thanks again for boosting my confidence.
Hey Ravyn,
The photos are gorgeous of your birds and the colors are beautiful too!!
I love the way they look with those tails!!
Are you raising them and selling the eggs? I am totally oblivious to the workings of how to obtain the eggs.
Do they mail these through Fedex or UPS or how"?
It will be spring before I am ready as we haven't put up our coop yet.
I don't know a single soul here where I live as we just moved her last year from Texas, so the BYC is my direct lifeline to people.
You guys are so good in offering help and thank God for you. I wish they allowed more chickens here but I suppose I am lucky they let people have them at all.
They do have to be vaccinated and registered with the city. Every animal must be registered......five bucks a pop too. LOL!
So much to get ready for ....whew!
I sure do appreciate your help,

For the cheapest of the best incubaors, I HIGHLY recommend the Genesis Hovabator 1588... with the turner it will still run approx $200 though, but it's much more reliable than any other styrobator out there... and cheaper than the REALLY good ones... if you get it direct from incubatorwarehouse.com their customer service is excellent too...

I haven't taken the plunge to actually sell Ohiki eggs, mine still have flaws, but I'm willing to help you out... shipping charge for the eggs and a few bucks for the gas to take them in to the PO is fine... and Spring would be best for me too, gotta set up my breeding pens still and they're not laying really reliably yet...

ETA: Yes, mailing eggs USPS is the only/best way to ship eggs... :)
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Sad to report that the 6 pack is minus one
went down to feed them and do a head count since I didn't get out of bed yesterday and sadly one was missing. I walked the pond twice, mustered up the energy and got into the canoe and paddled out to the Island, no baby there either..Not sure what happened, don't even want to imagine what happened or think about it. I'm so mad at myself for being to tired to take care of them like I know they need. I tried to get the remaining 5 to come out of the water so I could put them in the pin but they weren't having it. No more 6 pack
we are now Lucy's 5
Im so very sorry that this happened.
But, please please please do not blame yourself! You cant blame yourself that you were too tired to look after them.

I know exactly how you feel, I lost this little girl

Because i never put a lid on the brooder and the cat ate her
I was so mad at myself exactly like your mad at yourself about the duckling, but trust me, it does no good.

I hope Lucy's 5 stay alive
Super !! Then you can consider me on the list too!!!
I will be going to school here on the BYC and educating myself as much as possible before that time comes.
I wish you luck with them, and that all goes well!
Will you take pics as you go? I can't wait to see the process in action!

Thanks again and I can't wait!

Aaawe, what a sweet little baby! I understand that feeling of guilt and loss too, as I had a baby chick that I carried around like a puppy when I was little.
There was one healthy chick, and the one that I carried around. The healthy chick wouldn't come too me, but the little runt didn't move much so I assumed it was just docile and wanted me to care for it. I was about 7 yrs old and learned the harsh reality of life and death with that little chick. I remember like it was yesterday.

Plus, now I understand why breeders don't sell just one chick for parents to give the kids as Easter.
I was that kid.

However, it made me a very compassionate advocate for animals,

But the photo sure brought back memories.....thanks for sharing your experience.
Sad to report that the 6 pack is minus one
went down to feed them and do a head count since I didn't get out of bed yesterday and sadly one was missing. I walked the pond twice, mustered up the energy and got into the canoe and paddled out to the Island, no baby there either..Not sure what happened, don't even want to imagine what happened or think about it. I'm so mad at myself for being to tired to take care of them like I know they need. I tried to get the remaining 5 to come out of the water so I could put them in the pin but they weren't having it. No more 6 pack
we are now Lucy's 5
Oooh. Dearest Lucy........so very sorry for loosing one of the babies.......I felt that you went above and beyond and gave them the best start in life possible.
The things in nature that happen to these little creatures is so hard to understand, and so hard to hack......mainly because we personalize and compartmentalize our response.
We tender hearts have a hard time with nature. I always wanted to save the baby bird that fell from the nest, even though my mom and dad would yell at me to put it down, it carries diseases.
I cared for a baby bird once and when it grew up, I let it fly out the window thinking it would come back to me, but that was the last time I saw it. My mom tried to make me understand that it was meant to be free and fly wherever it wants, that it was God's plan for birds to be free.
All I could think of was "That dirty bird.......That dag gum dirty little bird....after all I did to make him well and taught him to fly....dug up worms and bugs to feed him....cleaned up his poop and......watered him every day, put fresh bedding in his cage.....and this is the thanks I get:???""
Then as I got older I thought maybe a cat ate him, or a bird of prey, and guilty feelings hit me really hard.
However....now that I am older and understand the harsh reality of nature.......I agree with the others in that you gave him what he wanted most and that was his freedom. The circle of life doesn't seem to care whether or not that it claims our little loved ones that we helped or brought in to this world.
So sorry Lucy, it is a bummer.
However....you did an awesome job giving him life.............and after all, .that's really about all you can do, if they want to be free........ set them free to live their lives.......no matter how long or short. You did your job.......you gave them life. From what I've been reading here on the BYC, you're success rate is really good compared to others doing the same thing.
I hope I can do as well when I hatch my eggs. Eeeeeek!! I am almost scared to try it, knowing I will react the same way to loosing some, but I believe that the reward will far outweigh the risk, and whatever I end up with will be the ones that are meant to be.

So sorry, but don't feel bad.........it's ok.
Get well........concentrate on the happy Lucy 5!!
If they are in a pond or body or water chances are you have a Snapping turtles. Try to get them out of the water Dried meal worms should work as an incentive. If you don't feel up to it ask someone else before any more are taken and eaten.Very sorry for your loss.
Sad to report that the 6 pack is minus one
went down to feed them and do a head count since I didn't get out of bed yesterday and sadly one was missing. I walked the pond twice, mustered up the energy and got into the canoe and paddled out to the Island, no baby there either..Not sure what happened, don't even want to imagine what happened or think about it. I'm so mad at myself for being to tired to take care of them like I know they need. I tried to get the remaining 5 to come out of the water so I could put them in the pin but they weren't having it. No more 6 pack
we are now Lucy's 5
it is absolutely in NO way your fault, please remember that in the wild many are lost
without you many of them would not have made it as far as they have

We do have snapping turtles bit only females, which are not known to be agrressive, the TWRA traps our snapping turtles and uses them for research so I am not sure it was a turtle this time. Plus with the weather being cool they should be dormant for now ...We do have big cat fish and my husband said they have been known to eat ducklings... Idk, I could go over 100 different scenarios and it wouldn't matter, I am so bummed and feel like a bad momma right now, but they didn't want to be pinned up, so it was a catch 22 for me. Do I selfishly keep them locked up or do I let them lose... Either decision came at a cost to their over all happiness... I just hope no more fall victim to whatever took its sibling...Btw, I don't have my glasses on right now so everything I am typing looks like a big ole blur to me, sorry if I have mispelled anything
I am blind without my glasses...
No they didn't want anything to do with me or my mother duckling antics...They were free birds as soon as their webbed feet hit the pond, all they saw was FREEDOM!!!
its a hard choice to make
and a survival of the fittest at its finest
I am so sorry
I am going to commit to the hatching and hope for the best. Having you guys here makes it a little easier because I have nobody where I live since we moved here from Texas last year.
I only have a few people like my doctor, nurses, and hair stylist that I know, but haven't made personal friends yet. I think the chickens will be a great hobby for me and I practically live here on this website trying to get myself smart enough to take it on.
Do you have a preference on an incubator?  Do they make a "Hatching Chicks in an Incubator For Dummies" Book? LOL!
I follow a lot of threads here and trying to prepare myself for all scenarios, including the issues with humidity and stuff.
I am excited and scared at the same time.......but I want to do this, I really do. 
There are such nice folks here and all are very kind and helpful like you.

I will sure feel better taking all this on knowing you guys are here.

:jumpy :highfive:

Thanks again for boosting my confidence.

I would reccomend the RCOM 10 pro- easy to use, very reliable, and cheaper than a Brinsea. It was my first incubator and my hatches have ranged from 80-100% on shipped eggs. Also it's very easy (and quicker) to clean than styrofoam incubators.

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