2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Just like @Sarkchick said keep you chin up girl and keep looking forward.


If you need more therapy go cuddle your ducks
Beautiful photo, too.
@lucysducks11. So sorry for the set back Lucy. Keep your chin up just a little longer. Congrats on the eggs in the bator

I have learned that with cancer, chemo, kids and germs there is always going to be set backs. Which sometimes the set backs are little rounds of relief from the Nausea lol I know that sounds like a catch 22 but when you have to pick your poison sometimes pneumonia is better than Nausea :lau
I have learned that with cancer, chemo, kids and germs there is always going to be set backs. Which sometimes the set backs are little rounds of relief from the Nausea lol I know that sounds like a catch 22 but when you have to pick your poison sometimes pneumonia is better than Nausea :lau

I do understand what your talking. My mom went thru almost a year of chemo. I think you are a very strong person and have a wonderful outlook on life.

I'm so glad the new egg is fertile.
Greetings my dear friends, I haven't been on here in a few days (ok maybe 1 day but it feels like it's been forever) so I wanted to let everyone know how things were going with treatment and of course the eggs in the Bator.
I candled the eggs last night and both embryos are getting big and moving like crazy!!! We should have some ducklings in about 2 or so weeks, I was also able to save an egg that my very own Lucy duck layed (something destroyed the others) and that one is also in the bator and I am praying that it's fertile!! We shall see tomorrow

And lastly , treatment will continue next week once my immune system and body can handle it. Went to the Dr. this morning had blood work done, a chest x-ray to confirm that I have phemonuia, and got 2 shots to hopefully get this all under control. I'm meeting with a Oncology nutritionist on Friday to discuss foods to eat to maintain weight during treatment ( I lost almost 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks) things are coming along at a snail's pace.. I hope everyone is doing well.. I was able to get out today and enjoy the peace and quiet while hanging out with my ducks! Duck therapy always helps

How exciting! What breed is Lucy again? I'm getting a little mixed up, sorry. :oops:

I have 2 eggs in the Bator from the calls I got from Ravynfallon and the other egg is from my Rougen Lucy :) I am so excited that I am going to be incubating an egg from her, second generation ducks are coming soon :)
I do understand what your talking. My mom went thru almost a year of chemo. I think you are a very strong person and have a wonderful outlook on life.

I'm so glad the new egg is fertile.

I am so glad you didn't think I was absolutely nuts by saying I considered getting a secondary illness was in some way relief, I hate to hear that you can relate because your mom went through chemo. I do hope she is ok.. I don't know anymore if I am strong or just stubborn, never have I considered myself as a strong person considering the fact that I have had many times where I break down and have small pity parties for myself ( something only few see) I guess maybe after I am done crying and asking "why me", I get back up, dry off the tears and keep going, maybe that does make me strong... :)
I am so glad you didn't think I was absolutely nuts by saying I considered getting a secondary illness was in some way relief, I hate to hear that you can relate because your mom went through chemo. I do hope she is ok.. I don't know anymore if I am strong or just stubborn, never have I considered myself as a strong person considering the fact that I have had many times where I break down and have small pity parties for myself ( something only few see) I guess maybe after I am done crying and asking "why me", I get back up, dry off the tears and keep going, maybe that does make me strong...
Yes, it does.

Like they say, "it's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get back up....."

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