2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Well guys the Duck Chronicles is growing, I found out today that close to 35,000 have people viewed my thread and found inspiration in it ( which is not at all what I expected and I'm a little humbled by that) BUT today I had 48 call eggs delivered to me from the breeder who sent me Pandora's eggs. A complete SURPRISE because I was not expecting so many, AND Ravynfallon came and took half to help incubate them because, well let's face it, I can't handle that, soooooo, as of now the Duck Chronicles lives on... We are going to have ducks coming out our ears, well, my ears lol , and I have the most amazing people on earth to share this with..
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WOW! That's awesome.

Ummm excuse me Mr. Salamander while I sit on you, I didn't see you crossing by... Yes that happened today...Duck butt meets Salamander
I get an on line version of Mother Earth News and one of the stories in it is "9 Reasons Raising Ducks Is A Good Idea!" Now they tell me.
Now that I have 26 standard sized chickens, 15 bantams with 8 more on the way. Well, 7 bantams and since I witnessed one of my Welsummer roosters covering one of my little bantam hens, one that will be a total mutt.

Actually I can think of a 10th reason. Duck people are some of the nicest folks in the world!

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