2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

I get an on line version of Mother Earth News and one of the stories in it is "9 Reasons Raising Ducks Is A Good Idea!" Now they tell me.:rant Now that I have 26 standard sized chickens, 15 bantams with 8 more on the way. Well, 7 bantams and since I witnessed one of my Welsummer roosters covering one of my little bantam hens, one that will be a total mutt. 

Actually I can think of a 10th reason. Duck people are some of the nicest folks in the world!

I think chicken people are pretty dang sweet as well !! ;)
I started following this post about a week age and think the people on here are all fantastic and show that there is still some good in the world and it has given me so many helpful tips so hopefully I will get a better 2ND hatch than my first. It certainly is addictive.


Hubby is going to kill me, it was nice knowing y'all :(

How do I prevent this ??
The unfixable problem...
Well guys the Duck Chronicles is growing, I found out today that close to 35,000 have people viewed my thread and found inspiration in it ( which is not at all what I expected and I'm a little humbled by that) BUT today I had 48 call eggs delivered to me from the breeder who sent me Pandora's eggs. A complete SURPRISE because I was not expecting so many, AND Ravynfallon came and took half to help incubate them because, well let's face it, I can't handle that, soooooo, as of now the Duck Chronicles lives on... We are going to have ducks coming out our ears, well, my ears lol , and I have the most amazing people on earth to share this with..
Holy cow! thats a lot of eggs!! Good Luck!! That was so nie of them!!!

Ummm excuse me Mr. Salamander while I sit on you, I didn't see you crossing by... Yes that happened today...Duck butt meets Salamander

Love this photo!!

I get an on line version of Mother Earth News and one of the stories in it is "9 Reasons Raising Ducks Is A Good Idea!" Now they tell me.
Now that I have 26 standard sized chickens, 15 bantams with 8 more on the way. Well, 7 bantams and since I witnessed one of my Welsummer roosters covering one of my little bantam hens, one that will be a total mutt.

Actually I can think of a 10th reason. Duck people are some of the nicest folks in the world!
So go get some duck eggs now
i dont see the problem

I started following this post about a week age and think the people on here are all fantastic and show that there is still some good in the world and it has given me so many helpful tips so hopefully I will get a better 2ND hatch than my first. It certainly is addictive.
Welcome to BYC, so glad to have you! and this is such a great thread with lots of friendly people!!
Hubby is going to kill me, it was nice knowing y'all

How do I prevent this ??
The unfixable problem...
lol, maybe trim wings on the 2 that have found it so that they cant get back to it to show their friends?
otherwise you'll need to put a bird net over it or something
Thank God he didn't see them swimming...He would drain the water and bleach the pool... No joke....
Obviously he has never swam in your lake.

DH is always asking me why I have never swam or waded in our pond. I keep reminding him of the 12 inch snapping turtle I caught a few years back. I was born with 10 toes and I plan to hopefully keep them.

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