2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


All but one look lively and happy. One of the americanas we are watching closely. So happy they are home

YAY!! So glad they made it safe!!
I have just spent 3 days reading the Chronicles and have experienced every emotion humanly possible. From elation over new duckies to complete sorrow over losses. I am relatively new to ducks (almost a year since I got my Ancona ducks). I have learned so much at a perfect time. My hen, Sable, started laying last week. We have 3 egg in my friends incubator and we have 3 more she has layed this week to see if she will set them.

@lucysducks11 your story is so inspiring. I know many who would have given up when getting the diagnosis of cancer. My prayer is that if I ever have to face such a diagnosis that I can face it with just an ounce of the grace and stubbornness you have allowed us to be witness to. Adding my prayers to those of many others on here that you have touched.

Welcome to the Duck Chronicles :) so glad you have joined in!!
I never know what to say when someone gives me a compliment so I get all frazzled. So I just say Thank you for your kinds words and I do hope you stay and continue to read and learn :)
Lucysducks11! Repeat to yourself. IT IS ONLY HAIR! IT WILL GROW BACK! Think of what fun it will be to start fresh! You can choose a whole new look if you like or grow out the old style. The choice is yours and I agree. Bury it! Why not? I'd bury it in the same spot and put a little marker like "Here Lies Lucy's Hair. It Sacrificed It'self So She Can Live!"

Glad to hear that you got a good night's sleep.I think I finally beat the Missouri Crud that is going around. I was able to get out and buy groceries and feed before DH, the chickens, and I were forced to start eating dog and cat kibble.

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