2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Little hope tipped the scales yesterday at 0.00 pounds

We need to work on our weight...
She was given a shot and some antibiotics and is on the mend !!
lol too cute!
glad she is on the mend!
Wish somebody would tell me that I needed to gain weight. :)

Glad to hear that she is on the mend. She has an infection? Poor baby. She is in good hands though and I'm sending healing prayers her way.

I was greeted by a single Peep Peep Peep when I unlocked the pop door this morning and checked in on my broody. She has a baby! On day 19 no less! Sound familiar? Mom isn't letting me see it yet. I guess it's time to fire up the incubator in case I have any late hatchers. If she has eggs hatching on day 19 then maybe the eggs I got from our Amish neighbor had been swiped from under another broody and were a day or two along.

How are you feeling today, my friend? I would have beent empted to tell the vet to shoot a hypo full of whatever he was giving the baby into me. Couldn't hurt!
She is sitting on Bantam eggs. 3 weeks ago I hatched 11 bantam eggs in my incubator. They hatched on day 20-21. Having one hatch on day 19 surprised me.

She still isn't letting me get a peek at the peep! She just sits there like a stone wearing a really smug look on her face. I can hear it peeping though so I know it is there...somewhere.

Lucysducks11 you need to weigh her on a gram scale and your vet needs to get his scale calibrated, lol.

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