2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


Fly free little Audree.
Hey guys, I haven't been on this thread for awhile, so forgive me for catching up ;)
That's wonderful!! You should get some chickens. :p

I know what you're thinking, @TheKindaFarmGal


Duckling house



Custom made ramp

DYI..Remove rungs from ladder, cover back with plywood, and then cover front with grip tape, gives them the perfect amount of traction)



Oh my goodness, I may have to partly copy this idea... so cute! :love


I have figured out how to keep Hope happy when she's in her bed, after 4 days of crying when I had to put her in to feed and sleep I thought maybe my picture would bring her happiness and comfort. And well as you can see, she's 1 happy Hope.. it's a win, win


I had to put Hope in a different box while I wash her stuffed animal and she FREAKED OUT until I found another picture to use of me and another stuffed animal.. She's happy and quiet now.. I can't even describe how much I love this duckling..

Oh gosh, this is absolutely hilarious and adorable!!!! Love you Hope!!!


Was finally able to get a picture of the babies you all loved so much, the 6 pack is now a 3 pack
That's Ray in the back , they are all getting so big and beautiful, all are Drake's of course

It's okay, drakebirds are awesome ;) beautiful burds, Lucy!!!

I have another baby and this one is absolutely amazing and beautiful! I have never seen anything like her before, she's silver in color and it's so cool! I'm in
complete awe of her!

:love What is her name? :love

Guys, bad news. Audree, the duckling with the exploding stomach, passed away today. Wendy is very upset, as she took her to the vet this morning and she seemed much more perky. So sad.
:hit Oh, poor girl. Rest in peace, beautiful Audree :hit
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Hey guys, I haven't been on this thread for awhile, so forgive me for catching up ;)
I know what you're thinking, @TheKindaFarmGal
Oh my goodness, I may have to partly copy this idea... so cute! :love

Oh gosh, this is absolutely hilarious and adorable!!!! Love you Hope!!!
It's okay, drakebirds are awesome ;) beautiful burds, Lucy!!!
:love What is her name? :love
:hit Oh, poor girl. Rest in peace, beautiful Audree :hit

Shhhh, BD! Gimme a break here! lol
So sorry :hugs we all know you did everything possible but please remember that we also need to keep you up and healthy so this was Audree's last gift to you, a little more time for you :hugs please rest and take it easy you have other babies that need you
Good afternoon my dear friends
I wanted to thank all of you that left comments about Audree passing away. I really struggled to understand why despite the obvious of course, with her tummy having the hernia and then exposure to germs. I honestly thought she'd pull through. So I was extremely hard on myself and once I sat back, took time to evaluate everything I came to understand why she passed and what her purpose here may have been.
And that was to teach me a small lesson. I have been really struggling these past 4 weeks, with depression and self doubt. I'm reaching the end of treatment and everyday is a struggle to feel better so I begin to wonder if I am strong enough to beat this. If putting all this posion in my body is worth it etc..And what happened the other day with Audree was a HUGE life lesson for me. I realized that when faced with the uncertainty that I am without a doubt strong enough to push through. I can and did find the courage and strength to pull it together and try to save that baby duck. Never in a million years would I have thought I would of been able to do that and if you had told me a week ago I would have to push intestines back into a tiny ducks body I would have laughed at you and said you were nuts.
So despite loosing her a lesson was learned. She gave me confidence that I can beat this, I can finish treatment and in the end come out stronger than when I started. It sounds silly to think that God would place a duck here in my life just to teach me a lesson but I believe the Lord works in mysterious ways and we have to find the meaning behind everything no matter the pain behind it.
Good afternoon my dear friends
I wanted to thank all of you that left comments about Audree passing away. I really struggled to understand why despite the obvious of course, with her tummy having the hernia and then exposure to germs. I honestly thought she'd pull through. So I was extremely hard on myself and once I sat back, took time to evaluate everything I came to understand why she passed and what her purpose here may have been.
And that was to teach me a small lesson. I have been really struggling these past 4 weeks, with depression and self doubt. I'm reaching the end of treatment and everyday is a struggle to feel better so I begin to wonder if I am strong enough to beat this. If putting all this posion in my body is worth it etc..And what happened the other day with Audree was a HUGE life lesson for me. I realized that when faced with the uncertainty that I am without a doubt strong enough to push through. I can and did find the courage and strength to pull it together and try to save that baby duck. Never in a million years would I have thought I would of been able to do that and if you had told me a week ago I would have to push intestines back into a tiny ducks body I would have laughed at you and said you were nuts.
So despite loosing her a lesson was learned. She gave me confidence that I can beat this, I can finish treatment and in the end come out stronger than when I started. It sounds silly to think that God would place a duck here in my life just to teach me a lesson but I believe the Lord works in mysterious ways and we have to find the meaning behind everything no matter the pain behind it.
:hugs Oh Lucy, you did your best please don t be hard on yourself. :hugs We are all here to support you. That was a beautiful lesson
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:hugs Oh Lucy, you did your best please don t be hard on yourself. :hugs We are all here to support you. That was a beautiful lesson

You are exactly right, I did my very best to save her when probably most would of given up the second it happened. I'm proud of myself for trying. And that is all you can do, is try.. :)

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