2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


Thank God, the whole ordeal is winding down for you and see, you did it! What a great day! We just got word that our friend with melanoma got the all clear on his surgery! No more treatments for them also so I'm doing the happy dance for everyone!
So, I just checked my eggs(having air cell trouble) and they're almost impossible to see in well, but there was definately one that may be a goner. I can see blood vessels clear to the air cell in most of them, but one looked as though it didn't have any and kinda looked like it was just free floating in the shell??? Does that sound like its dead. I think it is, but this is my first go around and I had trouble with high temps cause we don't use AC.
So, I just checked my eggs(having air cell trouble) and they're almost impossible to see in well, but there was definately one that may be a goner. I can see blood vessels clear to the air cell in most of them, but one looked as though it didn't have any and kinda looked like it was just free floating in the shell??? Does that sound like its dead. I think it is, but this is my first go around and I had trouble with high temps cause we don't use AC.

Probably, but I like to leave eggs in unless they are smelling, leaking or an obvious clear past days 7-10 or so. If you're in doubt, leave it!
Tomorrow is lockdown for the chicken eggs. Sunday for the muscovy. The double yolker has the same kinda look, but if I shine through the other end I think I see vein. No stinkers, so I guess we'll see. Stupid weather. Everything was perfect, then it had to go all, beautiful warm springtime lol. Glad it did tho! If they fail, I will try again!!!! And again, if necessary.
I refuse to just

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