2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Greetings everyone, I wanted to let my beautiful, wonderful, kind, etc. friends know that Saturday via a letter in the mail received some WONDERFUL news. All my tests results came back negative. No cancer or precancerous cells were found...
I'm extremely overwhelmed with the news which is so odd to me, I thought I would be telling the world that I beat this, but have taken 2 days just reflecting and processing the news. I have only shared the news with 2 people out of the very few who even knew I was battling this. And now I'm ready to share it with all of you. I still have to heal from all the damage done from treatment rebuilding my immune system and then have surgery to remove the tumor but that can wait. For now we celebrated while I heal and get back to me. I'm so grateful for all the prayers, cards, gifts, emails and new friends I have gained along the way. I'm sorry I have been so reclusive, I am detoxing from pain medicine and it's not fun at all , so bear with me, I will try to keep the information coming as I get back to normal. It's been such a roller coaster ride and a very long year and a half of sickness. The best is yet to come now that I know I am ok :)
If you have a minute stop what your doing and do a little shimmy shake happy dance for me... I kicked cancers booty, at times it definitely kicked mine but I came out a winner... And had a kick a$$ cheering squad behind me...
This is the best news I have read in a long, long time. CONGRATULATIONS LUCY!!
Happy dance in progress!! That's awesome news! Hopefully you continue to feel better and better. Maybe you'll smile at this like I do. 11 fresh muscovy lings with mamma

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