2 grand mal seizures in a row....

Thanks for the good wishes, Barker. I guess the vet was trying to postpone using a drug that may affect the liver and make them dopey, but it looks like now's the time. This certainly can't go on.
One of my Aussies also has seizures. He started at 4 months of age. By the time he was a year old, he was on phenobarb. That held him for a couple of years, then we had to add potassium bromide. He's only had a few seizures in the past couple of years, three years ago he did a 130 mile backpacking trip with us, he does obedience, agility, hiking, and visits retarded adults at a local facility. He'll be 7 the end of November.

I never expected him to live past 2 or 3, starting his seizures so young...but he had had a full, active life, and though I'm always alert to the possibility of a seizure, I don't think about them often. If your dog needs phenobarb, get it for her. I know it makes some dogs act a little dopey and lethargic, but seizures damage the brain, so every one that can be avoided should be.

BEst of luck to you and Althea!!
I had a shelty with seizures. She used Phenobarbital and potassium Bromide was added later when the pheno wasn't doing its job anymore. She would search me out just before a seizure started. My ex threw her across the room and into the kitchen wall one night when she was trying to protect me. So I knew why hers had started.
Something you might not know is if the seizures last 15 min you need to get your pet to a vet. If they go on to long they can cause permanent damage and or death.

Unfortunatly I had to euthanize my baby when she was only 7. Her son had a fluke heart condition (wasn't genetic both parents were tested). He had gotten so bad that he had to be euthanized (only about 1/4 of his heart was working) and she immediately went into clusters and we couldn't stop them.
I've read a bit about KBr and NaBr(sodium bromide). What I need to do is schedule some "face time" with the vet and really discuss various treaments/outcomes, and "get this show on the road"! Sounds like you have a really awesome dog!
Thanks for your input - much appreciated!
We took our chihuahua, Penny to the vet, he thinks she has onset adult epilepsy. He checked her kidneys, liver, heart and for diabeties, all were fine. We are to call him everytime she has a seisure. He didn't start her on any meds at this time. I just hope they don't become real frequent. Thanks to all for the info.
Chihuahua's are one of the breeds that have a high rate of hydrocephalus. Before you just treat the symptoms, ask your vet if he can do brain scans to look for any small pockets of fluid that might be there. It saved Leo's life finding that adult onset hydrocephalus was the cause. He is successfully being treated with dexamethasone. The initial tests might be expensive, but the meds are cheaper than the PB and KBR (seizure meds).

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