2 kids in TX want to raise chickens...Here i am! What now?

Assume I nix the chart buying....what breeds would do better in South Texas where we will get 30-60 consecutive days of 100+ weather? FYI, the area they will be in will have shade for the mid and later part of the hot heat.
Welcome to BYC - in your climate and with egg production being your primary goal, I highly recommend Leghorns.
With extreme heat I highly suggest manufactured shade where natural is missing. Water misters, frozen gallon jugs of water put out, so chickens can sit near them, etc. etc. Regardless of breed - it sounds like any breed can use help surviving your climate.
Here is what I had to do today as out 120+ day's of over 100+ temps kick in and I have chickens living at temps of 120+ at the cool of night ......

Hang up a wet blanket for shade and have wet towels for them to sit on and wet straw to walk on ....
I love easter eggers for heat, I've lived in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma all my life and let me tell you that it's more to do with the body condition in the heat after you've made shade and provided cool water. Any breed if fat enough will die in the heat, I start leaning my hens down around April...fat chickens can't handle 100 weather well.

Always had a feed store mix of breeds growing up and I can't say any seemed better off during a heat wave.

Now that I can choose breeds, I do pick from the heat hardy breeds but always keep them under a close eye for body condition.

I have Americaunas (easter eggers), barred rocks, buff orpington (very fluffy and not good in the heat), black sex link, cuckoo marans (can get chunky) and lots of crosses from these with my speckled Sussex rooster...I kinda like mongrel chickens for variety.

If you give them the right "tools" they will handle the heat well but always keep a watermelon in the fridge, they will love the cold sweet treat!

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