2 lethargic chickens with little to no symptoms!


6 Years
Dec 7, 2013
I have 2 chickens (2.5 years old) that are in my sick bay. Buffy went in first on Tuesday (9/29)- she's very lethargic, can't keep her eyes open, and having very watery poop. It's basically clear, very little white, sometimes a few brown bits. Weirdly, she still has some appetite and is drinking. She is not thin and seems to be a healthy weight. She will lay down to sleep on a mini roost, which implies no respiratory issues (aside from no sneezing, coughing, or gaping). I've been giving her mush commercial layer food and added nutridrench and duramycin-10 to her water. I also have been giving her yogurt.
Her eyes are clear, nothing is swollen, abdomen feels fine, crop is fine just a little smaller than usual, no gaping, no worms in her poop.

Then Gemma went in with almost the same symptoms Tuesday evening, only difference is that she doesn't seem quite as tired as Buffy and she seems to eat a little better. Yesterday, I thought a third chicken, Taco, has the same symptoms. She seemed quite tired, but I think I over-reacted and she seems fine this morning.

Two other weird incidences, which may or may not be related. My chicken Sasha has recently recovered from sour crop. Maybe they had bad food? Didn't seem moldy, but I threw the last little bits out when Buffy got sick just in case. And on Tuesday morning I woke up to find my very favorite chicken Rita suddenly dead in the coop. She had absolutely no signs, except she slept one roost lower than normal on Monday evening and seemed more sleepy than the others, but I checked at 10:30pm so it didn't seem odd to me.

So my thoughts- is it Clostridium perfringens? Could they have a yeast infection throughout the lower intestines? Do they both randomly have blockages since more seems to go in than out? Are they eating something toxic or moldy? Any thoughts?

Thanks for any help!
You seem to be very knowledgeable about chickens. As you know Clostridium perfringens is found in all decaying matter and of course chickens like to scratch for anything edible around decaying matter, like a compost. See if the vet will prescribe some antibiotics for your chickens or if you can buy some at your Feed store supply house. The diarrhoea certainly indicates a gastrointestinal problem.

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