2 male ducks, 2 female ducks


May 22, 2020
i recently found oht that we have two male ducks and two female ducks. one of the males is a welsh harlequin and the other male is a khaki campbell. The females are all khaki campbells. what will i do? is this a problem? i couldnt take away one male as when i take one away they cry. the reason i can tell the gender between the 3 khaki campbells is that two of them have a browny bill and the other is a light grey/ light purple.
If you don't want to rehome one or both of the males, or rehome both of the females, your other option is to get a LOT more females (most people suggest 4-6+ females PER male when you have several males in a flock, so you'd wind up with 10 birds minimum but likely a few more just to be safe) Even if you rehome just one drake you'd probably want to get one or two more females just to be safe.

They cry when separated because they're used to being together, but people buy/sell/adopt/rehome their ducks all the time, if your extra drake went to someone else with an all-drake group or a nice big family where he could have his own adequate ratio of females he'd eventually get used to it, and the ones left behind would too.
If you don't want to rehome one or both of the males, or rehome both of the females, your other option is to get a LOT more females (most people suggest 4-6+ females PER male when you have several males in a flock, so you'd wind up with 10 birds minimum but likely a few more just to be safe) Even if you rehome just one drake you'd probably want to get one or two more females just to be safe.

They cry when separated because they're used to being together, but people buy/sell/adopt/rehome their ducks all the time, if your extra drake went to someone else with an all-drake group or a nice big family where he could have his own adequate ratio of females he'd eventually get used to it, and the ones left behind would too.
I think we will rehome one of the males, but i want to make sure im definitely right on the gemder. so i will wait until their final moult to tell
I think we will rehome one of the males, but i want to make sure im definitely right on the gemder. so i will wait until their final moult to tell
How old are they? Are they old enough to quack and not peep? Make them quack. Then you can tell. Only females actually quack. Males have a raspy wheezy froggy noise.

Mine quack or croak when picked up.
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How do they sound?

The WH is most likely a male, but the last three I'm unsure of.
its quite hard to figure out what they sound like, is there anyway you can figure out the gender by beak colour? we got them from a professional that vent sexed them as female, but im not sure if he was right.
I think the welsh harlequin is most likely a male that's what mine looked like.
But the khaki Campbells they could be girls.
You could post a video of them talking that might help.
Not all khakis can be sexed by bill color, a lot of hatchery quality stock is screwy that way so it’s not guaranteed to work for all of them, unfortunately.
The WH is definitely male, and I’m a little concerned about the 2 KC on the outside of the second photo.
Best way to sex them is definitely by voice at this point. We can help you if you can record them making noise and upload to a video hosting site like YouTube and post the link here. :)

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