We finally put our 16 hens in our coop. They were 6 weeks old.
On night #7, I woke up to find nine of them still alive in my yard, feathers and a chicken leg in my coop and my pullet shut door was pried open with muddy paw prints on the door. Nine dead with no carcasses.
The next day, I screwed in a 2x4 over the pullet shut door since they were not using the run quite yet. The next morning I awoke to another slaughter. We have no chicks left. I need help identifying predator(s) and rout of entry.
I have pictures of the evidence.
The floor of the coop has 3/4" plywood which is still intact.
1. Coop
2. Print
3. Predator poop
4. Crime scene
5. Scratches climbing inside of coop
6. Prints inside the coop
7. Prints on roof
On night #7, I woke up to find nine of them still alive in my yard, feathers and a chicken leg in my coop and my pullet shut door was pried open with muddy paw prints on the door. Nine dead with no carcasses.
The next day, I screwed in a 2x4 over the pullet shut door since they were not using the run quite yet. The next morning I awoke to another slaughter. We have no chicks left. I need help identifying predator(s) and rout of entry.
The floor of the coop has 3/4" plywood which is still intact.
1. Coop
2. Print
3. Predator poop
4. Crime scene
5. Scratches climbing inside of coop
6. Prints inside the coop
7. Prints on roof