2 or 3 behaviour questions


Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh county, OK
1. I found a pile of feathers from different chickens they are all alive I did a head count but it’s weird

2. Why is my hen so aggressive I have an Easter egger who is extremely aggressive and she is definitely a hen but has tons of aggression so is there a way to control that

3. Why is my rooster so welcoming to new flock members I just got new chickens and he doesn’t mind them at all but my hens despise them

Oh and the feather pile
The feather pile could be them moulting, but I would check over your birds for lice and mites just in case.

Some birds are more aggressive than others. How many in your flock and how much space do they have?

Roosters have their own personalities too. It’s not surprising he is happy he has more ladies to woo.
The feather pile could be them moulting, but I would check over your birds for lice and mites just in case.

Some birds are more aggressive than others. How many in your flock and how much space do they have?

Roosters have their own personalities too. It’s not surprising he is happy he has more ladies to woo.
Yeah they have been treated for mites and my flock has enough square footage for 40 birds but there is 13
I have an EE that is pretty aggressive as well. My other EE is as sweet as can be. I have a young flock of 6 (27 and 22 weeks) and my aggressive one is top chick. She will peck my legs when I sit in the run. I usually just pick her up and start petting her and she falls asleep, she rubs her beak on my shoulder. She is always chasing the girls away from the treats. She used to pull their feathers, and I had to put her chicken jail for a couple of days.
One of my SLW has started biting my figure (little stinker). They are either trying to show dominance or trying to get attention. My Buffs are just snugglers., and too will peck at my legs (This is what makes me think it's for attention), They all have different personalities.

As for the feathers, I always have feathers in the run and coop. I have checked them often, no mites or anything I can see.

As for your rooster, I had 3 cockerels (rehomed) and the alpha one would lay by the younger chick's cage when I put them in the run and sleep separate from his hatch mates to sleep near the divide in the coop with the younger chicks. I still miss him (well all three really).

I hope this helps, putting them in chicken jail really worked for me. I would put her in the coop at night, but would make her stay in the cage in the run during the day.

Good luck!

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