2 quick questions before butchering please


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Central IL
Butchering the meat birds today & tomorrow.

Been a while- I forget:

1. What's the reason why we put the birds in an apple cider/ice water soak after butchering/plucking?

2. Someone just told me that we need to not freeze them until 24 hours later to let the rigor mortis "leaves" the body.

Any word on this?
Both are to increase tenderness and allow the rigor mortis to pass before freezing. The ice water also keeps the meat fresh during this period, of course. People add various flavorings to this water. The vinegar could be for flavoring or it could be to increase tenderness, help break down protein fibers. (I don't know whether it really does this.)
I always refridgerate my chickens two to three days before freezing. Say I finish butchering on Friday afternoon they sit in the 'fridge for Saturday and Sunday. I've been known to cook one for Sunday dinner and the rest go in the freezer on Monday. You can tell if you handle the chickens a few times during the process. When rigor is still an issue it will be difficult to move the leg quarter with relation to the hip joint. As rigor releases, it will be easier.
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