2 Red Goldens and a Lady Amherst


9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Portland, OR
I am having increasing issues with my flock and would love advice.

I have 2 Mature adult Red Golden males who were raised together. One has always been a bit more doninant, but it didn't matter because the other one is beta. Several months ago I got 3 Lady Amherst Chicks.I did not integrate them until they were about 2 months old or more. 2 were killed while growing up, I'm assuming the Red Golden killed them, but I don't know. The one I have left is almost full grown.

I am seeing an increasing amount of displaying, hissing and chasing from the one Red Golden towards the Lady Amherst. In. Turn the LA has been showing the same behavior to my newest, youngest rooster. So far, there has not been any pecking or physical fighting, but I obviously want to avoid that. The behavior occurs more duriing feedings.

Will this behavior stop eventually? I have no females to fight over.
Do I need to get rid of one bird? Should it be the LA, who is the newcomer....or the aggressor Red Golden?
Yea...that's why I got them.....but I don't think I want to deal with ANOTHER enclosure. I just added on this past spring and the entire thing is pretty huge.
In my experience any time you introduce a new bird into a pen with existing birds you will have problems. They don't take well to strangers of any type. I have a rather large (20'x20') pen of mixed birds, R&Y Goldens, LA, and Silvers. Both hens and cocks, a total of 17 in that pen. They have been together sinse they came out of the bator and so far I haven't had any problems after 6 months. I'm sure I'll have to seperate them about breeding time. Goldens and Amherst are both beautiful birds, it would be a hard decision to chose one over the other. Maybe you could divide your pen. Good Luck in whatever your action is.
So, with no female pheasants present, do you think they will eventually sort things out? Or do you think one will end up killing the other? Or the LA killing one of my chickens? There has been no actually fighting, just showing, hissing and chasing. The 3 of them all sleep on the same roost and there is no pecking, blood or other. The real problems that I see come during the time when I bring the treats. The LA does not REALLY seem to mind all the showcasing from the dominant Red Golden. He just moves/runs away. They really do have a huge enclosure.

Also, the RGs don't care one whit when I add new chickens.....its just the other pheasant the one has the issue with. The other RG couldn't care less about either the chickens, ducks OR lady amherst.
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