2 Very noisy Chicks


8 Years
Sep 21, 2011
Fallon, NV
My Coop
My Coop
We have 2 very noisy little girls. They are almost a week old and they are being so loud I had to move them to a new room. They are warm and have food and water.... why else would they be so noisy? Any Ideas? It seems the noisy one is the Delaware not the Rhode Island Red. Any ideas on how to keep them occupied so they dont just sit and scream lol.
Me too, before I even got them home.
When I got to the house and could see which one, It was the Buff Orpington.
I now have 2 of them and 2 others. A RIR and an Americana.
They are better now, had them for almost a week now.
For the past 2 days they have been eating out of my hand.
My Americana (Cookie) has been jumping up in my hand and eating.
I think she is going to be boss..
Yea we have done chicks before but this little Delaware is the loudest one we have ever had. Its like when a dog just sits and barks. Thats what she does just stands there and peeps while RIR just sleeps or is eating or what ever she does.
Hm I think the obvious solution is to get more chicks! Two just isn't enough - if something happens to one of them, you will have a very lonely girl on your hands that will NEVER shut up.
I found my Buff Orpingtons were really really loud and annoying as babies, too. Even now, one of them still sits and peeps in the outdoor pen loud enough that I can hear her inside. I think the breed is just more vocal than others. Hoping mine outgrows it LOL!
We had that issue. We turned off the heat lamp for abit and they fell asleep. Trouble is, they woke up and started all over.

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