2 Very noisy Chicks

I found my Buff Orpingtons were really really loud and annoying as babies, too. Even now, one of them still sits and peeps in the outdoor pen loud enough that I can hear her inside. I think the breed is just more vocal than others. Hoping mine outgrows it LOL!

YA! my Orps go all night, but the Jersey Giant chic is the loudest!!!
Funny. We raise Jersey Giants and they are always quiet. Now we have some Leghorns. Wow! Its like a chicken riot in the brooder
My Buff Orpington was really loud the first night, but then sort of settled down after that. But I did read that putting a beanie babie in the brooder helps if they feel a little lonely.
well they have calmed alots, now the only make noise if they are after a nat or a fly. Then they peep and jump and try to fly..oh maybe try music. I leave my tv on all the time.
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Is she just doing this at night or is that just when it bothers you the most?

I made a suggestion a while ago on another post, but it might work for this as well.

Try sprinkling a small amount of feed &/or grit over your brooder floor into your wood chips (or whatever bedding you are using) and let them dig & scratch to get it. Remove the regular feeder for a couple hours when you do this. Should keep them busy & much quieter if they have to work a bit to get what they want. I usually do this at least once a day in my brooder & the chicks turn the chips for me this way so the poop gets turned under which reduces the smell & the chips stay fresher longer, thus lowering my workload & expense with not having to change bedding so often. Plus, I have much quieter chicks. Mostly what I hear now is little beaks tapping the bottom of the brooder, but it's much quieter than all that peeping.

I usually do it an hour or so before bedtime since their brooder is in my bedroom & this tends to wear them out so they are ready to go to sleep when I am. It also continues to occupy them when they wake back up in the morning until I put the regular feeder back in with them.
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My brooders are currently in my bedroom as well. During the day I just kinda tune them out (with 6 kids you learn how to do this...lol) but at night is a different story. I want to sleep too. Also, if you have a light on for them, turn it off or put in a red bulb at night. Mine usually quiet down within a few minutes of "lights out." To compensate for the heat difference in turning off their light I close my door & turn on a small electric heater & point it in the direction of the brooder. I gradually lower the temp over a few nights to get them down to room temp & ready to go outside sooner.
my babies where in my room too on a shelf next to my bed made it easy for the multiple times i would wake up and check on them the red light did not bother me and i loved hearing them chirp. my dumb dog knocked the light off the table and broke it and now there going on 4 week and 1 going on 3 weeks they dont like it to warm they seem most happy and comfertable at 75 now so i put them in my bathroom at night with the heater set for 75 and they spend the whole day out side in there small run (coop and big run should be done end of weekend then they are moving) I really miss having them next to me and now get up multipole times a night to check on them i wonder what i will do when they move to the coop i guess take my pillow and slipping bag and move to the coop with them
When it's not pouring down rain like it has the past couple days I go out & sit on the ground in my run when I go to feed mine. I started out sprinkling a little feed across my legs & lap & now they just come over & peck at me as soon as I sit down. A couple wait at the gate when they see me coming & I have to shoo them back so I can open the gate.

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