2 Week Old Chicks Not Using Brooder Plate


In the Brooder
May 1, 2020
North Georgia, USA
Hi all! I am raising my second batch of babies, and everyone is happy and healthy! I told myself I wouldn't be a helicopter chicken mom this time around, but tonight they've decided to bed down in a little puppy pile next to the brooder plate instead of under it. It feels too early for them to be without the heating plate, but I'm hoping they're doing what is most comfortable to them? The hottest part of the brooder plate is about 78 degrees (house is 67 degrees) and I have it raised in the front in case they want it cooler. They can all fit under, and they've been using it until tonight. They rarely go under during the day and spend most of their time playing, scratching at their bedding, and hopping around on their roosts. Am I worrying needlessly?
Just make sure the cute little pile of chickens isnt an *actual* pile of chickens. As in, the one under the others is going to be having a bad time. I lost 2 this way (or so I believe).
Just make sure the cute little pile of chickens isnt an *actual* pile of chickens. As in, the one under the others is going to be having a bad time. I lost 2 this way (or so I believe).

Oh no!! I’m so sorry! I’ve checked a few times to make sure they’re cuddling and not smothering. I moved their brooder plate away from the sides of the brooder as an extra precaution so they don’t wedge themselves between.
Oh no!! I’m so sorry! I’ve checked a few times to make sure they’re cuddling and not smothering. I moved their brooder plate away from the sides of the brooder as an extra precaution so they don’t wedge themselves between.
Great! I thought mine were old enough to not need a heatlamp but I guess I took it away a little too early. Adding the lamp solved the problem. But seriously the pile of chicks looked SO cute. I just didnt realize what was happening. I had also just moved them out of the brooder with a mesh floor to a regular dirt-floor pen, so if theyd been piling before, it wouldn't have been as big of a deal so they might not have realized it. Oh well, you live and you learn.
Raise the plate up by lengthening all the legs and make it higher in the front.

This is how I have it—I did raise it just a bit more in the back in case it was still too hot.


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