2 week trip and


Jul 3, 2023
My husband and I went on a trip and had some family keeping an eye on our animals for us. I came home to find that although our 23 chickens had been fed and watered, no eggs were collected in 2 weeks. None of my hens are broody and it's been between 20 and 35 degrees F outside. My question is this- Do I need to get rid of all 160 eggs?
If you sell eggs
I’d not sell those. I would absolutely eat them, but crack them into a separate bowl one at a time and make some huge scrambles/ omelettes that you could freeze if you feel that is a “safer” way to store.
I freeze dry our extra eggs, but that isn’t an option many people have.
I would bet you $1 (I’m not a big better- usually .25$ so a dollar denotes much confidence lol) that you will not find a single bad egg in the bunch.
But. There is a -chance- that some of the clutches had been tended by a hen who was at least a bit broody.
You can also candle them to check for veining / shrunken air cells before cracking if you are concerned 😉

Our duck eggs last inside, unwashed on the counter for well over a month, with few problems
Much longer in the fridge
If they are not cracked from freezing, they should be fine.
Geez, what were they thinking?!
All the eggs look great! And I could ask the same question! Although, I am very glad to have family to rely on for keeping watch over our animals and property. I can't get too upset over a *few* piled up eggs! They're lovely to have helped as much as they have!

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