2 weeks old chicks but one is very small


In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2020
Hello! This is our first time hatching chicks from an incubator and I am concerned about one of our silkies. We got 6 fertilized eggs from my cousin and 4 hatched. 2 silkies (the black ones), 1 lavender, and one unknown (yellow). I’m a little concerned about the one silkies growth. It is smaller than the other silly, and significantly smaller than they unknown chick and lavender chick. It has suffered from paste butt, and i have been using some olive oil and water to get it off. But other than that it huddles with the other chicks and seems to be fine. I attached a picture as I don’t know how to help it grow, or if this is normal. We have gotten reds from hatcheries and also have bantams but haven’t experienced this before. Any help is appreciated!
I have had a runt or two in every batch of chicks; my black ameracaunas are nearly grown, and one was a runt. She's only 2/3 size of the rest but hasn't suffered any bullying because of it.

One of my best friends is 5'4". His wife is 4'8". I'm 6'1". There's diversity even in the same species. Your little silkie will be fine.
I have had a runt or two in every batch of chicks; my black ameracaunas are nearly grown, and one was a runt. She's only 2/3 size of the rest but hasn't suffered any bullying because of it.

One of my best friends is 5'4". His wife is 4'8". I'm 6'1". There's diversity even in the same species. Your little silkie will be fine.
Thank you for your reply, it’s much appreciated! It’s our first time with these breeds so I was worried.

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