2 wk old chicks: will my broody hen accept them now?


7 Years
Jun 27, 2014
Does anyone have experience getting a broody hen to accept older chicks? I wanted to add a few babies (4-6) and have a Buff Orpington in full-on broody mode, but the only chicks I can get locally, in the breeds I want, are two weeks old already. I'm worried they'll be too big for her to accept.

Any thoughts?
I have never tried giving two week old chicks to a broody hen. Very possibly she will not accept them or they won't accept her. I think it would be a risky endeavor.
Thanks....that's what I was thinking. I think I'll just keep my eyes peeled for some day olds and, if I don't have a broody hen at the time that they're available, I guess that means the hubby's right and we really DON'T need more chickens!

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