2 x 6 vs. 2 x 4 roost

I totally *don't* think you should rip down your 2x6s (although ripping lumber with a circular saw is fairly easy with one of those guides that you clamp onto the saw).

2x6s are very, very useful as fenceboards, rafters, etc etc. And they are worth *money* (i.e. next time you want one, you'd have to pay for it if you don't save these ones), whereas you can get roost-quality 2x4s pretty much for FREE or just use a large-diameter dead tree branch which works equally well.

If you do rip it down, remember it will only be about 2 3/4" wide, and you will have a fair bit of work required in order to round the corners off enough not to bother the chickens' feets.

I seriously, seriously would not do it.

Nor would I use them for the roost, for the poo reasons cited by previous posters.

If you are concerned that a 2x4 is not wide enough for your birds' feet, although your breeds are not actually that large and I would not be at all worried myself, just go get a 4-5" diameter de-barked dead tree branch and use that

JMHO, good luck, have fun,

bywaterdog, I also have Buffs and will install my perches this weekend. What I am wondering is should I use 2x4 flat or on edge, 2x6? In any case I will soften the edges.
I made my roost out of 2x3s. I had my brother in law rip a bunch of 2x6s which gave me a load of 2x3s. Maybe you have a neighbor who would be willing to help you out. A dozen eggs would probably be a great exchange for ripping some 2x6s!

I did round the edges too.
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Well, the tree branch idea sounds good, but it may be hard to find one straight enough to use. Also might have trouble fastening it down properly. Still tossing things around in my head, but I have to figure something out by this weekend. The chicks need to be out of the brooder section and into the main section of the coop.
Just mount the 2x6's, wide side up, using shelf brackets/wood screws on either end. Easy to remove and replace with 2x4's later on. Just get a wider paint scraper for poop removal.
No matter what boards I use, they will be mounted with screws and not nails. As you said, it makes it much easier to remove them later, if needed.
I have 2x6's for a roost and the poop falls off as my birds are standard sized. Sometimes they try to pass each other and that can cause issues but they fall too often.

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