2 yr old rooster has gone psycho

I have never had a rooster cause real damage to a hen's comb even though most of birds all have the single / wildtype comb morphology. Inspect more closely to see what really happened.

It seems to be a dominance thing. Recently I had a hen tear another hens comb half off in an ' argy bargy ' over pecking order. I had to remove the hen for fear of cannabalism . She now has a large portion of comb hanging . You only need to watch hens that are on the receiving end of this, they will generally put their head down and hide in the corner. All part of ' coop politics '.
I understand. It's hard enough to tell what's wrong with a chicken when it's right in front of you, let alone when you can't see it! Although, I did start another detailed thread (as suggested) in 'emergencies', yet that went unanswered as well. lol. I was mainly concerned with his extreme lethargy that day, and thought I was going to lose him. I am still at a loss as to his isolated skin condition, and STILL unsure if one had anything to do with the other.
They have been on Sulmet for one day, (my feed store did not have the Corid, but I ordered some), and I am now thinking of stopping this and worming them. I just don't know..
No, no chance of injury, and yes, I am well aware of a cats bacteria. I had a nasty cat scratch years ago that gave me blood poisoning, so yeah, ..I learned that one the hard way. :)

My roo seems to be feeling better, tho still not up to par, ..he is moving about now and eating/drinking again. His comb never went pale, no discharge anywhere, no poo issues, and no bugs that I can see. So, I am still at a loss as to what to treat him for. I've spent hours and hours reading on chicken diseases and ailments. The more I read, the more confused I become. Sigh! Anyway, thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
I would treat with corid and valbazen for this guy.

You say his but looks weird? Does it look like vent gleet?

A sore, red, feather-picked bum is indicative of mites.

You can't always see mites on the bird. I just treated my flock with frontline spray, and everyone is ACTING like they are feeling better, not so fidgety, shaking heads and scratching...loving dust bathing more than "normal"
No, no gleet, and I AM leaning toward dusting them even though I can't see any mites. I hate to put any poison on or in them, ..but SOMETHING must be done here. I also bought Wazine, ..but from what I've read, I should not use this right after the Sulmet, which they have been on for one day now. I'm debating on whether or not to stop the Sulmet and give them the wormer..
btw, ..for those trying to help me figure out what is wrong with my roo, ..no crow from him this morning. :( Yesterday evening while observing him, I noticed he made this yawning motion, ..only it was not a regular yawn. More like he was stretching his throat or something, ..and he did this 7/8 times in a row. I see nothing in his throat. ..just thought I'd mention it.
Now I must go, or I'll be late for work again. I am taking enough flak for missing work due to a sick rooster. ;) Good day to all!
btw, ..for those trying to help me figure out what is wrong with my roo, ..no crow from him this morning. :( Yesterday evening while observing him, I noticed he made this yawning motion, ..only it was not a regular yawn. More like he was stretching his throat or something, ..and he did this 7/8 times in a row. I see nothing in his throat. ..just thought I'd mention it.
Now I must go, or I'll be late for work again. I am taking enough flak for missing work due to a sick rooster. ;) Good day to all!
Gape worm?
btw, ..for those trying to help me figure out what is wrong with my roo, ..no crow from him this morning. :( Yesterday evening while observing him, I noticed he made this yawning motion, ..only it was not a regular yawn. More like he was stretching his throat or something, ..and he did this 7/8 times in a row. I see nothing in his throat. ..just thought I'd mention it.
 Now I must go, or I'll be late for work again. I am taking enough flak for missing work due to a sick rooster. ;)  Good day to all!

Gape worm?
don't cease the antibiotics before you complete a full course.

Can you look inside his throat and see if anything is in there?
Oh and don't get me wrong, folks, no one here has made me mad, ..not in the least! I am just a huge lover of animals, and I am not going to beat up a chicken. lol. That's all there is to that!

I must have missed the posts where people told you to beat up a chicken......Can you point me to them, as I'd love to see in what context they were given, please. Thanks!
Reply to chook.. Thank you for that informative answer. I still have scars on my hand from a RIR rooster from12+ years ago. We cut his spurs off but they grew back. We have not had chickens in more than ten years, so I am re-learning things. We just got back into chickens again and have 16 seven-week-old RIR "hens" (& 1 black sex link) who were all supposed to be girls, but 4 are looking decidedly male. I have noticed one of them darting up and pecking me hard on the hand and running away nearly every time I feed or water and had wondered if this was aggressive or just playful. The others do not do this. The hens, by contrast, will only stand there and peck gently if they see a freckle and they do not run away. I will now pay more attention to their behavior to make sure I can cull them early before they get like "psycho rooster". The bigger they are, the worse they can hurt you because they get so much stronger. I have no problem with having a couple of roosters, but I will have to learn how to fry chicken if one goes psycho on me. I do have one question chook, what is the deal with the chickens getting on top of the 1 gallon waterers and acting like they are wanting to either rip it open or mate with it? I have never seen this until now and have seen both hens and roosters do this. I switched to gallon ones instead of quart to keep them from turning them over with this behavior.
I've had dozens of people tell me that they hit and kick their roosters to "show them who's boss", which personally I find ridiculous, ..not to mention cruel. Sorry, I have no time to go and find you the posts. ;)

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