2 yr old rooster has gone psycho

I don't know. There is no discharge from the eyes, nose or mouth, and I have not seen any breathing issues from any of them, ..until this incident today with the rooster.

Yes, I have checked the crop, and it seems fine as far as I tell.

Everything I read about gapeworm, my roo has every symptom.

Although dawg just told me if it was gape, they'd most likely be dead by now.
SIGH.. Idk what to do next. I guess I will treat them for gape, ..then the antis. ..and just hope they live long enough for these meds to work.

Sorry for all of the drama, folks. I truly am. This is wearing me thin, ..and I'm sure it's not doing much for all of you either.

No need to be sorry. Hopefully by putting our heads together we can come up with a solution. I would give him his second round of wormer and start him on the antibiotics. There are other illnesses like laryngitis and bronchitis, I'd give the meds and see how he pulls up.
This morning he is crowing, sounds clear as a bell, and is acting absolutely fine. Yes, I will carry on with the meds because I have no idea what else to do. I hate to give them medicine when I don't know what's wrong, ..but..
I guess the second round of worming will not hurt them any. Do I wait the 10 days as I keep reading? That would be this coming Thursday..

Thanks again for all of your help and suggestions, everyone. I'm off to work. Happy Monday!! Ugh..
My Maran roo cuddles has been in trouble today!
I decide to try to introduce my pekin roo and his two hens
To my three maran roos and three maran hens
Well they are fine very sweet together, all except cuddles
He'd get near one young pekin hen pretending to be eating grass
Then lunge at her feet on her head pecking her
I was so cross I locked him in his coop
He banged about kept sticking his beak through the vents
Eventually I gave him another chance let him out and the little devil
Attacked her again, so he went straight back to bed with a good telling off,

I can't believe my beautiful cuddles is such a bully
This is one thing my roo has never done. He has always been a gentleman to the hens, protecting them, and even waiting for them to squat for him instead of ravaging them as some roosters do. He IS quite bossy and possessive though, herds them around the yard, and also has a jealousy issue whenever I handle the hens, ..yet he has never come at me for it.
When I first got my chickens, I did end up with two roos, one of which was the total opposite of the one I kept. This bad roo showed aggression from an early age. Not toward me, but he was awful with the hens. Grabbing them by the neck and throwing them to the ground, pecking, stealing food from them. ..while my good roo always let the girls eat first! When the first hawk attack came, bad roo was the first one to run into the coop as well, while my 'good' roo stood out there ready to throw down. lol. So! That was the last straw for him, and thankfully I found a farm to take him in.

Hope your Cuddles sees the error of his ways before he loses his happy home. :)
So glad to hear that your roo is well again. I can definitely understand your feelings for him.... I would feel the same. I have also heard "it's just a chicken". Well, I for one love all my "just chickens" and don't care if anyone else understands or feel as though I have to justify my feelings. I hope everything continues to go well for you and your roo. Would still love to see a picture of this now popular and well discussed roo :)
I will post a pic of him asap, although at the moment, I have no way to upload pictures! Sorry for the delayed response, as I have been spending every free moment reading of chicken ailments and medicines! It's quite horrifying really, ..and the equivalent of a human going to WebMD, reading of their ailment, ..and coming to the conclusion that they will surely die within days. lol
Anyway, until I can post a pic, I will give you a visual. He is a mixed breed, yet looks like a pure bred White Rock. Although quite small for a rooster, he makes up for it with attitude. He's absolutely gorgeous as well, .. and he knows it. :)
I will post a pic of him asap, although at the moment, I have no way to upload pictures! Sorry for the delayed response, as I have been spending every free moment reading of chicken ailments and medicines! It's quite horrifying really, ..and the equivalent of a human going to WebMD, reading of their ailment, ..and coming to the conclusion that they will surely die within days. lol
Anyway, until I can post a pic, I will give you a visual. He is a mixed breed, yet looks like a pure bred White Rock. Although quite small for a rooster, he makes up for it with attitude. He's absolutely gorgeous as well, .. and he knows it. :)
Know what you mean about chicken ailments. I often wonder how they make it past chickhood, much less past a year with all that can go wrong with them. And that's not including predators. With your little man, as they say, big things come in small packages :)
How big is he? I am going to guess he is large, the best thing to do is show him who's boss, I would try getting one of those strong water guns and squirt him until he behaves, but if you want to try a hose, just don't turn it up to strong.
In my 15 year experience ... theres only sad news you could try to make hime a capon but I cant speak to that since I have no experience . for me a roster is either nice or NOT nice and thats the way they stay . If a 2 he has taken to outright attacking ,, its time to get rid of him .. they make great soup but it will take hours of boiling . They just dont become nice again .. and it does really sound like he's never really been nice .. its just that hes added you to the attack list . so dont expect a happy ending here your girls will get to like another on.. so sorry for my news.. gaewinn
gads ! In my opinion this is way to many roosters for your somewhat limited hen population ..I'm way suprised that there hasnt been a battle for supremacy in a major way .. Lucky you its only one.

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