20 eggs going into lockdown tonight.


9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
I won an auction of Golden Cuckoo Marans, and I didn't want the eggs to get lonley, so added some of my own eggs. I candle with a very powerfull flashlight, but still can't see much with the Maran eggs, but I did pull 2 that I could see were clear. Of my eggs, the 2 white ones that I put in were also clear, the rest are dark, either Maran or Welsummer and the roos could be Orp, EE, or Ameraucana. I can see that the eggs are a good 3/4 dark, and can see just a bit of veins, but the light isn't stong enough to see if there is movement. Fingers crossed for babies on Fri.
I went into lockdown yesterday too. My Wheaton Marans are dark but smelled good so I figured they are a go. We have a small thread going for all of us hatching the first week of January.
Good luck!
Thanks for the good wishes. I know its too early, but I keep going in to look at them, thought I saw one egg moving, but maybe wishful thinking.
I just went into lockdown too! Let's hope for a good hatch! I have 8 little mixed babies in there, an it's my first hatch! Good luck keep us posted:)
Best of luck to you.

I go into lockdown tomorrow morning. I candled yesterday, and all 7 were a go then.

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