20% layer feed

Most lay feed is 16%, but you can find feed with up to 30%. 16% is enough for the average laying chickens. When the chickens are molting I feed game bird feed which is 30%. I have found this to help the chickens.
Does it hurt them to give the higher content protein when they are laying age?I also was reading a thread about dumors and someone suggested using hog feed for hens that had stopped laying.In reading the contents of the hog feed it seems that is something the chickens could eat to:hmmats,barely etc.I just want to make sure the birds are getting what is the best for them.I feed the dumars grower now,and they free range a couple hours everyday,and they have some scratch grains from tsc,along with oats,leftover salad fruit or anything else they really are very good eaters.
IMO, you dont want any higher than the 22% I give them, but in cases where their protein needs are really high, like molting, a short term use of high protein feed would be beneficial. I dont think I would use it over a long period of time, though.

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