20 week old pullets seem SMALL. pictures added.


10 Years
May 20, 2009
North Florida
I have 30 or about that many 20 week old pullets of different breeds. I have been feeding them chick starter/grower since they were 1 day old. And some veggatables and bread here and there. Just today I switched them to laying mash because I was told they need it to prepare for laying. But I don't think I'll be getting any eggs from them for awhile. What have I been doing wrong because they seem way undersize. There combs aren't even coming in very much. As you can see in the pictures they are pretty small.




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A watched pot never boils! They do look "young" but then one morning you look out and you think "Where did my chicks go?" Things like weather and heat can cause a stresser to the hens that can affect maturation. Don't give up on them yet, They look good.
Thank you for posting this question!!!! I was afraid to because mine are also 20 weeks old and don't have much comb and wattle to them. And they're not laying either. I was afraid I would be accused of not feeding them enough to cause them to mature but they get Flock Raiser, free choice grit and oyster shell, scratch at night (just a bit), yoghurt, raisins, crickets . . . . They seem healthy; they run around the yard and will sometimes go into a sort of free-for-all race across the yard to me, running and flapping wildly. They just seem to be stuck in this stage of almost hen but still chickie.

Mary in Colorado

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